Very good post. I am glad you pointed out that the market in Thailand was just more upfront about it.
I communicate with my rescued Scrub Jay Blue. We have a strong bond over 18 years. He also imprinted to me. I do not condone making wild birds pets. I consider him my companion. I found him wet out of the egg. It was a unique situation... let him die or let him live. Long story but Corvids are smart. He knows when I am happy or sad or when I am ill. Its amazing. Thanks for the great post.
Absolutely! I find westerners (even myself at one point) are quick to notice the differences of eastern countries, but fail to connect the similarities we all share. All of humanities issues are shared globally today.
That sounds like a beautiful relationship you share with the Scrub Jay blue! Animals have an acute sense of emotional awareness, we humans have that same ability, but it's often masked with cultural prejudices and stigmas. I have occasionally dreamed of being able to rescue baby animals like wolves and panthers to be able to grow with them in companionship. I would never take one from their home, so I will just have to go live next to them :)
Thank you for sharing your story :)
He's beautiful by the way (assuming your picture is him).
Yes that's him but here is one of him sun trancing on my hand, something they do in nature too but hard to catch as they have to feel super safe. Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I worked with Native Animal rescue for a bit. It was very rewarding,
That is a gorgeous photo!!! Truly amazing that he's on your hand :)
I'd be interesting to read about some experiences you had rescuing animals if you ever wanted to share :) A post idea possibly ;)