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RE: Philosophical Discussion Panel: Is intuition the voice of the soul?

in #philosophy8 years ago

Is a person's belief genetic superiority not EVER based on your feelings though? Not to get toooooo dramatic but imagine, hitler definitely was misguided by his beliefs. But I don't think he was misguided by information, but his " feelings " (or maybe outlook) about Arian superiority and jewish social conflict. I understand all these arguments, I'm 100% with you, but what you are pretty much saying is that there are other alternatives to why people believe their ideologies. These arguments, however, don't really discredit the possibility that the reason for any belief is an intuition, what you state are simply alternative, possibly more fact driven scenarios. In any case, the main idea is that really almost any belief can be driven by intuition in at least 1 describable scenario, which to me suggests these intuitions actually lack value unless they are grounded in fact. Example if two people in year 0 have no background in science or astronomy, one has the intuition the earth is flat, the other it is round. Are these intuitions not lacking in value or at least equal in value until they can be describe by observations in the real world?


So if we consider Freuds Theories to be true, we are born with instincts and they can not be learned. If you think racism has it roots in feelings, you are saying that there are natural born racists. Their racism can only be surpressed.

Also saying someone is racist by genetics, sounds pretty racist to me, bud ;D

That's if we consider his theory to be true, which I don't really. Like I've already said I'm not saying ALL racism is based on feelings, I'm saying there are examples where it is possible racism might be based on nature or nuture or insitinct or intuition or etc.... just like any opinion or belief. There are many different reasons people believe what they believe. Second I never EVER said anyone is racist by their genetics? You really are reading my arguments wrong.

welp, I actually know what you mean. There are instincts like the group behavior were we tend to attack people outside of our group. Racism plays with these emotions of belonging to a group.

Still Ideologies are born in the mind, the emotions are just tools that make the ideology sustainable.