That's a good point you make, but again that's not how money is viewed anymore by our society. Saying money is purely a tool is saying that people in poverty only suffer from financial problems. It's just not the full picture. Money means power, and power has even more consequences linked to it. It's not like I accept or agree with the way it is right now, but that's the reality. And that's probably not going to change as long as money will be the primary tool to get things done..
The big question is; how can we distribute this wealth/power in an honest, fair way? That's such a logic, important question to which we still haven't found any solid answers. Or maybe we already found answer, but the system doesn't let us form them into actions. That's the real shame of our time... Maybe asking for people to see money as money instead of power is too much to ask for the time we live in?
This is a 'how you use your hammer problem'. Do you use it to build or destroy. Steem has a chance of going a long way toward answering this question yet, people use their hammer as they have been instructed, which leads to the same being built again.
I think the rise of digital currencies or networks is a proof that people are beginning to seriously consider this question. As technology makes a majority of work/professions obsolete, those in the charge of keeping people away from the streets and overthrowing them (revolution!) will start to accept the change that's coming, and is already here.