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RE: Why Advocates Of Peace Should Oppose Gun Control Legislation

in #philosophy7 years ago

Oh wow, I usually really like your posts, but I couldn't disagree more. The data shows that more guns equal more violence. Australia is a classic example of a modern nation that successfully disarmed and has enjoyed more peace, not less.

And if we are talking about America, no amount of weapons is going to counter the most powerful military in the history of mankind, the US defense budget equals the next 8 or so nations combined. The US has very lax gun regulation (even people in the terrorist watch list can get guns) and the highest rate of gun ownership, according to your logic it should be the safest from the government, instead the rates of murder by cop, incarceration, etc are among the worst in the world. Common sense gun regulation would bring more peace, not less.


You're forgetting that the most powerful military in the world was defeated in Vietnam. That being said, I'm not against common sense gun regulations as a practical matter, but to take it too far would put criminals in government or otherwise in charge.

The best answer to this issue is decentralization. Terrorism is a byproduct of government.

I'd argue terrorism can be largely a byproduct of oppression and repression, which are not always carried out by governments.

Government is just a form of reification that takes something that is imaginary and makes it appear real. What you really have are a bunch of terrorists who are legitimized and then those who aren't legitimized. ISIS for example is a government considered illegitimate by the USA and ISIS would say the same of the US Government. What justifies the USA dropping bombs on ISIL? What justifies ISIL attacking USA? Nothing.

In your example, both sides seek to oppress and engage in repression. It's just that ISIS represses women in burka's, etc while the USA oppresses those who don't agree with the banking system (#Occupy).