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RE: Capitalism's dead end

Good to see a post from you.

Just to address some of this silliness, I shall apply just a bit of that logic missing from your OP.

"...rural areas, inundated with excess foods, are dumping their produce into the trash, while the urban centers, faced with shortage in food stocks, are rationing..."

Well. This is exactly the difference between freedom and individual means of production and collective, Communist, cohabitation in the big cities. This is just the beginning of the end of collectivist maunderings and parasitic overlords. See, the incompetence of the vampires seeking to profit from parasitizing society to control it and enable it to function nominally is being exposed where their prey is corralled by the decimation of the quality of life of that prey.

It's similar today to the advent of agriculture in the fossil record, which has been shown to have degraded the nutritional wealth of the individuals that first adopted it, certainly because, then as now, overlords parasitized production while being incapable of properly coordinating that extraction of wealth to their own walled gardens.

This isn't a demonstration of freedom failing. It's the exact opposite: the failure of Communist overlords to keep the flow of wealth growing even enough to keep their own quality of life, much less their cattle. You are hoist by your own petard.

Your little cartoon doesn't show capitalism, but a meme of what Communists think it is. Free people don't need jobs, dependent on overlords to provide direction they are incapable of providing themselves, they only need jobs in collectives like big cities where they aren't able to undertake voluntary enterprises because of regulatory rules, because the overlords own the regulators and ensure the cattle remain dependent.

In villages, like where I live, the rate of self-employment is an order of magnitude higher than in urban areas. Not Communism and the collective, but freedom and entrepreneurship where overlords have neglected their corralling to focus on higher populations produce excess - wealth. Like many, you probably think money is wealth.


Good luck with that, as the rapine centralized systems collapse globally. It's not even an accident that overlords do this. They can only understand the mentality of themselves (psychopathic), and cattle/slaves. This global rapid imposition of concentration camp totalitarian tyranny is being deliberately undertaken to subject the cattle to deprivation, knowing that will induce more fervent boot-licking from their subjects, born to be slaves.

But most people, the vast majority, aren't actually born slaves. That minority of socially dysfunctional people is roughly comparable to the number of psychopaths, ~3%. It takes lifelong indoctrination, brutal subjugation, and forced objectification to get most people to act as slaves, but the mentally unsound don't grasp the difference, because they can't comprehend sovereignty. It's just a word for privileges they find pleasurable, and they are actually just as capable as the born cattle of sloughing off those privileges in the advent of exigency. That's why slave and overlords are in roughly the same numbers: they're really the same kind of broken people.

Instead of just giving up and getting down with the sucking up to power, existential deprivation shocks ordinary people into rationality. When faced with hunger, intolerable oppression, and insuperable violence, even the uneducated rabble, that you fondly refer to as 'muck', rebel. The parasites think the professional military will simply eliminate some few inexplicable rebels, that seem to be poorly programmed NPC's from their perspective, but when the military personnel are faced with the absolute destruction of their culture, their hopes and dreams, and their very families whom they love, they will not. Particularly as awareness of the men in uniform that they are being just as chemically castrated as the rest of the population - except the banksters, who can afford copper water pipes, non-plastic utensils and packaging, food not drenched with endocrine disrupting pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and pollution - increases, which is presently becoming unavoidable due to the physical disease endocrine disruption causes. It's so high now, >60% reduction in testosterone, that heart disease, sterility, and much more is today impacting the majority of Western men.

When the realization that the banksters chemically castrating them are ordering them to kill their families for nothing other than the convenience of the parasitic scum seeking to own everything in the world dawns on them, guess who the professional military will turn on?

This won't be a bloodless affair, of course. For the next decade, as intolerable deprivation continues to be committed by rapine psychopaths, that social incapacity that ilk suffers will cause ever growing numbers of ordinary folks to seize individually nominal means of production, from indoor vertical farms in the cities, adding aquaponics capabilities as AI decreases the learning curve and simplifies logistics, and 3D printing, mesh networks to defeat the censorship that turns the media into existential threats, which will have the effect of preventing propaganda from reaching them as do, CRISPR, and on and on, across the entire range of decentralized technological advance, practically all industrial manufacturing.

Only when the bean counters grasp that the expected die off isn't the actual reason for the depletion of parasitized inflows will the banksters grasp their mistake. Instead of killing the 'rebels', they forced them to become competent to not only produce goods and services themselves the banksters withheld, but to profit from doing so, and actually become not only more wealthy, but more secure from gangs of thugs vampires depend on to make cattle submit to parasitism.

You see, becoming competent to make radios, lights, and bumpers for their cars also creates competence to manufacture security devices vastly more technologically advanced than the obsolete firearms that overlords have depended on for 1000 years to deploy force. Do you have any idea what a SWAT team will do when faced with CRISPR enhanced swarms of carnivorous eusocial insects defending their makers? They'll run away, and never come back - if they live. What armed patrol kicking in doors at 2am to force compliance with edicts will reach the doors through a moat of EMF radiation, built by the communities themselves, and supplied by power they make themselves, because the caprice of the power companies made them develop their own power supplies?

The number of modern security technologies that simply haven't made their advent because they're unsuitable to projecting aggressive force is too many and varied to speculate about, but clever monkeys forced to learn how to make modern devices by exigent circumstances will come up with myriads, and that diversity of defenses isn't mitigable by jackbooted thugs or clueless simps ordering them to abuse civilians.

You misunderstand what is happening, because you are dependent on overlords.

Think outside your box, maybe just around the edges a bit, and let your mind wander in the vast fertile fields of possibilities freedom to personally manufacture advanced technologies availed to individuals create.

Give up your dreams of a technocratic slave state, while you still can do so voluntarily. You will, when the utter destruction of all you depend on for your flow of parasitized products is complete, whether you want to or not.

Best to get that over with while you can prepare for the consequences, rather than suffer the deprivation and excoriation that will come later.


I suppose all the centralised governments around the planet are collapsing due to the crisis; oh wait, the CCP, one of the most authoritarian regimes on the planet, is still in power, even expanding its influence into N. Korea, bankrupt Europe, and Africa. Even the disorganised, mercantile societies of the West managed to continue its government operations, despite their unstable political system, because those in power were able to issue somewhat decisive measures of quarantine. If anything, the crisis demonstrates the folly of fweedom-centered political system.

Fwee people don't need jobs? I gather they can merely collect government subsidies without contributing anything towards their society. That is what capitalism actually is: an economic system that rewards the parasitic merchant gnomes at the expense of greater social good. The ludicrous idea that all of creation can be monetised to feed the infinite growth model of a misbegotten hypothesis is finally reaching its dead-end. The hedonist prostitutes of the West, isolated in their narcissistic bubbles, willing to sell all their societal and communal values for shiny baubles will soon realise that their gold will profit them not, when the inevitable famine strikes.

When your government falls, and it seems that most of the muck you champion actually desire lawlessness, you will learn that slavery is a step-up, from the orderless chaos, to which a society descends, when central authority fails. As you watch your community burn around you, you will learn that your struggle was in vain. Humanity has always organised itself in a social pyramid because that is the natural, divinely ordained, order of human society.