Man is a clot of energy. And all reality, like everything else in the world, is relative.
You are on the right track but it gets much deeper. What is energy? How do we come to know that it exist? We recognize energy when it does some work. We say energy is always merely converted into different forms. But what if we treat energy as just another concept? If something is being done, it means that the reality is changing. We see change and attribute some of its properties to a concept called energy.
Basically, energy is a way we attempt to describe a quantum level change. We are always changing and non-static. Each moment we become something else like a river. You can't drink from the same river twice. The best analogy I know to describe the reality is a dictionary. Each word has its origin dependant on another. I'm sure @erh.germany would have some great inputs too.
Thanks for stopping by :-)
Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Those are some nice thoughts. Have you read Advaitha philosophy? Some of the thoughts you are expressing coincide with Advaitha philosophy.
I'm actually a Theravada/Zen Buddhist. I checked out Advaita Vedanta after you mentioned it.
These things really hit home for me. But there are some fundamental philosophical differences. At the end I find myself more closer with teachings of Lao Tzu (Not necessarily all of Taoism) and especially Jiddu Krishnamurti. Here is a quote from him: