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RE: 2 Thought Experiments to Forever change the way you Look at the World + Philosophy Discussion

in #philosophy7 years ago

In the case of the triangle, The triangle is a concept. There are no triangles in the observable physical universe. A triangle is a 2D object. 2D cannot exist in a 3D world. If there is a "Triangle" that doesn't have its internal angles adding up to 180 degrees, then it's not a 2D object.

Where does that chain of definition end?

It doesn't end. It's not even just linear progression. It'll be both a web and something that's like a web. Word's should be used like the way a person use a raft to cross a river. You use it and you leave it. It's like cryptocurrency. The value lies in the function it serve. No need to cling to words beyond the use of communication.

Thanks for stopping by to comment.


It doesn't end.

LOL, I wrote my PhD thesis on that - and actually came to a similar conclusion. The language/crypto parallel is't lost on me either.