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RE: I Am Therefore I Harm

in #philosophy7 years ago

I think this notion of love as a value is mistaken. Psychology tells us that love is something like "positive emotion with a connection". I think hatred comes from a lack of understanding. We tend to blame people and give people personal responsibility without acknowledging that we live in a universe without libertarian free will. Sam Harris explains this well in his book "Free will".


Values are the more basic element for me, and love is a result of it. I love something because of several values that I hold, that are represented in the loved object. These values can be instinctive (it's how I was made), or they can be learned. And what I call 'hatred' is simply the kind of things you feel when something you value/love is opposed/harmed.

I don't believe in free will, just like Sam Harris. I don't know of any philosopher who doesn't believe in determinism.

However I don't think that means you won't 'hate' anything. Hate is not something you can help. It happens automatically. At least for the most of us. It's very difficult to rewire your brain in such a way where you feel nothing because you know every action is determined, and therefore 'no one's fault'. I don't really feel faultlessness follows strictly from determinism, either.

Thanks for your comment!