Flat Earth or Round Earth?

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

This stuff truly cracks me up. For one, wtf does it matter if its round or flat? It still looks and acts the same way it always has. Second most knowledge humans "think" they have is some form of belief with nothing absolute. My grandparents believed in a round earth and there lives were just fine. Im sure many of the past who believed in a flat earth lived just fine as well. Truly amazing the stuff humans are up to these days. Flat earthers, have you ever been to the edge? Whos garding the edge? Are we still floating in space or are we on a turtles back? What are your thoughts?Screenshot_2017-08-18-20-48-35-1.png


Round earth. That is my dogmatic faith. ;)

I find it so interesting that there is even a "debate" about the shape of the planet in 2017. I think it really could be flat, mostly because in almost a year of research, I haven't found any irrefutable evidence of curvature. It should be very easy to prove something as basic as the shape of the Earth and that responsibility lies in NASA, who is doing a terrible job. That's not to say that there is an accurate flat earth model or theory, but the heliocentric model has had hundreds of years to be perfected and when you really break it down, it is far from perfect. The Earth could be an infinite plane, more land, other animals or people or anything we could imagine. I don't believe it's a disc or a turtle floating though "space" and neither do most flat Earthers. Stars are just lights in the sky until we know what they really are. Maybe we are meant to never understand the true nature of our existence. The heliocentric model could simply be a narrative created to control and contain us. Maybe a new narrative will replace the old as we enter the virtual reality era and start to consider that we are living in a simulation. In which case the shape of the Earth no longer matters, but how we get to that point is exciting to watch.

If we get to any point. Hell of a reply! Reminds me of the movie 13 floors...

Most the "evidence" I have is from people talking or pictures. Funny stuffs.

I was actually pretty surprised when I learned how many people actually believed that the earth was flat. I thought it was only a joke made by internet trolls and maybe a few cases of individuals trying to sell books to gullible people. Its shocking that we are actually taking steps backwards in our progression of knowledge in today's time. I mean, we now have an actual flat earth movement and people are going as far as refuting natural laws like gravity so that they can maintain this idea that there is a large scale global conspiracy that's trying to convince the world that the shape of the earth is a sphere...
It would be funny if it weren't so scary how easy it is to shape some minds.

The Future is square my friend :D! Spot on!

Doesn’t seem like you’ve dug very deep into the theory of the flat Earth? As you said in the end, it's very easy to shape the minds of the people and none of us have seen the supposed globe from outer space. If space even exists, right? I’m not an astronaut and I doubt you are ;)

I’m not saying the Earth is flat, that we’re trapped in a dome or are inside a computer simulated reality or whatever (like Elon Musk and others). But reality might be stranger than fiction you know. It’s incredibly strange that we’re even here in the first place, if you believe in the Big Bang theory, formation of galaxies and evolution. Supposedly in the beginning there was absolutely nothing in existence. Apparently that nothing suddenly, pooof, out of nothing exploded in a big bang and nothing became everything… That's just as bold a statement in my opinion.

I know I’m just rambling here, but I guess my point is that no one really knows, unless you’ve seen the ball with your own eyes. Otherwise you just put your trust in some scientists, the “disciples” of our time. Do your own research and make up your mind.

E.g. the gravitational theory you mention - what if we’re simply motionless and things fall to base level because they're heavier than air?

Be open minded and objective. :)

I definitely agree that reality may not be as it appears and that in many cases it is stranger than fiction. Several of my posts discuss how reality largely exists as an illusion created by our mind.

I also agree that I haven't seen "the ball" with my own eyes. So for me to believe that the earth is a sphere, I need to believe in the validation of others. I need to believe in gravity and that the pictures of earth that are taken from satellites and telescopes, which show that the earth is round, are real. I also need to believe in a lot of other science concepts that I myself cannot prove. In order to believe that the earth is flat I also have to believe that all science is a lie and that it has not progressed at all since the 1500's.

If I am to only believe in things that I can directly see myself then I am severely limited to what I should believe in. For instance, I cannot believe in atoms, viruses, bacteria or oxygen and so on. So with that in mind, if I cannot validate that the earth is a sphere or flat then I should not believe in either. Really, why believe in anything?

Regarding gravity and your statement "what if we’re simply motionless and things fall to base level because they're heavier than air." I find this confusing because weight (heavier/lighter) is a product of gravity so if we are motionless and there is no gravity why would a heavier object fall to the earth at all? In that scenario everything should float, which it does not.

Gravity easily explains why earth is a sphere. Gravity pulls all objects toward its center without direction (up or down) and by an equal force. This creates a symmetrical sphere shaped object. Disc theory and gravity cannot coexist because the pull of gravity towards the center would make earth collapse under its own weight, just like when you hold a piece of paper in the middle and it collapses under its own weight.

Flat earth theory for me simply isn't parsimonious. It requires too much work to make sense (ie. believing in crazy pseudo-scientific explanations, believing that everything is a lie, believing that all science is a conspiracy). Its not even worth it. I may as well just not believe anything.

If gravity doesn't exist, how can weight be a product of gravity? Wouldn't it just be the mass and density determining the weight and only air resistance to block the way for the object to drop to ground level? Not sure if that makes sense, but I'm playing with the thought for the sake of the argument.

I completely agree that the theory requires some work to get around the common consensus.

Ive also heard of world leaders recently going to the Antartica. Also, from my standpoint, I question everything and hold beliefs very lightly. Ive only found 2 things I consider to be absolute knowledge. 1) I exist. 2) I experience. What the "I" is and what "experience" actually is, idk. From there I love playing in relativity and appreciate both of yalls dialoge. Truly amazing that anything exist at all...

Yeah, there's some strange things going on there recently. I like to question everything too, even though it gets me out of my comfort zone sometimes ;)

That was part of the point of the post, I dont think it does matter. Wether its the edge of the earth or the edge of space, I see no difference.