Conversation on Co-Existence with a Level Playing Field


I keep thinking about the jobs that must be done but nobody wants to do them. Garbage collection, sewer maintenance, pest control, slaughter house, janitor, ditch digger etc. How are these positions filled? How do we determine who is worthy of not working while they conceive the next big idea? If positions aren't filled how is this handled? Do we have tiers of existence?

In recognizing "essential services" as "jobs that need to be done" for the overall well being and maintenance of an area...It is our responsibility to establish "Direction" in how the jobs can be accommodated and lived effectively. "Incentives" comes to mind as a way to best direct responsibility.

If the least popular jobs are given strong incentives - this supports the jobs getting done and becoming somewhat desirable from the perspective that they can be a real stepping stone into creating future life directions.

Thinking about the best structuring of a civilization: I question the usefulness and effectiveness of combining Education and Labor. Think "child labor" lol...but in a good way. Wouldn't it make sense that children learn how the functions and really know it?

Maybe if education worked with labor effectively...anyone and everyone could be retired in their 20's??? lol radical perspective - change to the structure of today? yes.

Even the idea of "retired" is a term that needs a "paradigm shift" -'s not a dream lifestyle that you get to...Because you got it here already...Life is retirement is more about the rest when you go to bed at the end of the know: you "retire" for the night.


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"Garbage collection, sewer maintenance, pest control, slaughter house, janitor, ditch digger etc."

Some of these jobs can be done on an individual level, like bringing your own trash to the dump or the recycling center. Keeping our own spaces clean. If we had to take individual responsibility for these tasks, maybe we would think twice about how much waste we are producing, or how we pick up after ourselves at home and at work.

If no one wanted to work in a slaughter house, maybe we would eat less meat? Maybe slaughter houses would become obsolete and we would return to small farming?

A lot of these jobs suck because they are hiding abusive practices such as factory farming, over-consumption and waste.

Another perspective: if the positions were not filled we would have an accumulation of undesirable consequences which could lead to innovating the way we do things, which is currently doing them the cheapest way possible. Always worshiping the bottom line.

Things that could be innovated: composting toilets, biodegradable packaging, clean energy, industrial waste reduction etc...

That is my input!

Spot on Analysis @kimzilla

Appreciate your Input :)

I read or heard somewhere that the term retirement was an idea created during the Industrial Revolution. Until the Industrial Revolution people never retired. If fact the word itself had a negative meaning. Something was only retired once it was useless.
People spent the beginning part of their lives creating a financial foundation for themselves. Once they secured themselves financially they chased their passions.
Benjamin Franklin freed himself financially by being the first franchisee. He helped his apprentices start Newspaper printing presses in different states and charged them a percentage. By doing this he was free to study, learn, and chase his passion. If he hadn't the US might have never been born.

Also before the industrial revolution, a boy was raised by his mom until he was about 12. After which his father would bring him to work and teach him the family trade. In essence the
father spent most of his time with his sons. Young ladies would stay with their mom and learn her trade. After the work day was over they'd have dinner together.
Massachusetts was the first state to require parents to send their kids to school. Thus dividing the family. Yet the reason I said that was that the parents taught the kids, about politics and family history. Their education included a physical trade: sewing, cooking, or woodcarving, blacksmith etc. At that time people did not retire, they simply handed over the family trade to their sons. Then they spent their days learning and chasing what they were passionate about.
The problem was we had these massive factories that needed employees and at the time most people worked for themselves. The laws were changed to promote industry. The schooling system was rearranged to create good employees. The idea of retirement was to justify dedicating forty years of your life to build someone else's dream. The reward was suppose to be that the company would take care if you when you finished your alloted time. The problem today is that we are still teaching industrial age thinking to people who live in a new age with a different set of rules.

The idea of retirement was to justify dedicating forty years of your life to build someone else's dream.


The problem today is that we are still teaching industrial age thinking to people who live in a new age with a different set of rules.

Spot On Observation!

Really appreciate the background reflection in your comment in looking at the structure of a family and the practical structuring of accommodating best support.

Thank you. It's amazing what the mind retains. That was from a lecture talking about the family nucleus and how it's falling apart in our current culture lol. Yet when I heard it, it made sense to me.

I heard a speaker talking about a study that was made on retirees. The study said that the average retiree died within two years of retiring based on if they had discovered their passion before retirement. Those that had lived longer, yet a big percentage hadn't. The same study showed that there was a high divorce rate also. It makes sense. Couples were suddenly faced with having to relearn how to live with their spouse. It was like they were just married yet without the just married fire.

wow. Makes a lot of sense. Really brings to mind an emphasis upon:

"purposeful living"

It's an interesting point of reflection because we each require to create our purposes. Consequently, if we do not - our purpose almost by default becomes our basic survival constructs - for better or for worse. When obviously the potential for our expansion always exists as creators here.

I think of ourselves here as the embodiment of 'sound' and we are always instrumental in our expressions - the irony being that we are not always aware of the music...sounds...positions we are exercising as our physically integrated behavior patterning - the mathematics of our sound here

Yeah very true. Purpose gives our daily activities meaning. :)

You know in Ri garbage men that work for the state earn 25 an hour. From what I remember. I considered the job once, I think I applied lol It's actually one of those jobs people fight for lol people flock to it chasing the benefits.

haha - i too considered becoming a 'garbage man' as a worthy profession that i would enjoy on a daily basis. I always thought the physical activity of the gig to be quite cool.


I like the money part of the deal though the driving in a garbage truck in the middle of summer that part I might want to take a vacation during that. LOL

Garbage collection, sewer maintenance, pest control, slaughter house, janitor, ditch digger etc.

In my opinion, these are the heroes of society. They are also the ones who will prosper when things become difficult. @ironshield

Our education system sure does not work efficiently with our labor force.
Society should change the structure before allowing children to learn a trade of his/her choice and expand into that in the long run.

We have too many people at the wrong job that it is making the service industry shit. The frustration and unhappiness of the population is growing day by day and most are unwilling to change the job for a better life even if low paying.

Our system is designed so that the rich keep getting richer (top 1% own now more wealth than the bottom 90%) and that everyone else basically is turned into an indentured servant or serf. Society SHOULD change the structure, agreed, but that won't likely happen until the undesirables (ditch diggers, plumbers, garbage collectors, cops, military, private security, teachers, construction workers, engineers, service staff) demand en masse a fairer system for all. One man/woman can only do so much....Ghandi and the like were great facilitators of change but in the end it was short lived change.

Good blog. In a "perfect world" there could be a rota system. But then again, doing the jobs no one wants, could be a spiritual path. You are humbled and can also practice luving in the moment. As for kids, I can't even get them to clean their room!!!

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