Life is like a carousel... you never know when you are going to crash.

in #philosophy8 years ago

I love to ride carousels. It brings a lot of joy to me... and my stomach. Also, that one time when I chose to ride a carousel made of bicycle parts by drunk Mayans, I realized that life is very fragile.

Carousel only goes up and down when everything is good. When things are bad, carousel crashes.


Nobody ever talks about death when comparing life to a roller coaster/carousel. Of course, carousels don't crash that often, but those things happen. And they are not funny at all. So, while I was riding the crumbling carousel, all I could think about was "Please don't crash... Wow, the view is so beautiful... Please don't crash... It feels amazing... Please don't crash..."

I wanted for my carousel to go down. If it only went up, I would be dead by now.

Same applies to life. We need ups and downs. Just imagine yourself only going up for a longer period. It sounds nice at first, but eventually, it can only bring trouble. Things are due to crash. That's the balance of life.


You know what the paradox of all the carousel metaphor is? We can only leave the carousel without any trouble when we are the lowest. We can only escape the eternal circle of ups and downs without dying when we are at the dead bottom.

So start going down to the bottom very slowly and jump out at the right time.

It is a risky business, but it leads to complete freedom. If life is a carousel, when leaving that carousel and walking around freely can only mean... Well, I cannot explain this with my logic, but it sounds like a cool feeling.


If you rush too much, you can never leave your life's carousel. You have to move slowly. Also, being up might be so beautiful at first sight, but you can never safely leave your life's carousel while on the top. So dig deep to the bottom.

Also, analyze your carousel because if a foundation is built on old bricks... well, I think you understand.

I rode this carousel while traveling in Guatemala. Drunk workers built it on bricks and wooden planks. Didn't look safe, but because of the fear of death, it was the best ride ever.


This was beautiful.