Nice answer, I appreciate it! To be completely honest, I am using those words like egoistic prick just to test how the people react to them. Also, I sometimes love to make things seem more radical on purpose for the same reason. I am testing and sharpening my writing abilities here, so I want to take some risks and see if people get me or think it's stupid. IMO, that's the best way to find my writing style.
As for the topic, I agree with you as well. I am part of many communities, including Steemit, and I enjoy that. It might not seem like that from my post, but I just love socializing and being part of any group of people. I think I intended to say that I don't ever become a radical, who follows the rules for the sake of it, just because other members of the community do that. Do you know what I mean? So in some strange way, I belong to all the communities because I am completely open-minded about things.
Thanks for your answer! I really enjoy when things get lively in the comment section!
yeah i get you. I think it's worthy to try and raise yourself above labels and in some way to try and elevate yourself above partisan thinking.. which is fine if you have a philosophy of your own. Our generations of young people are disconnected from meaningful debate in large swathes because anti-intellectualism is cool for the right. it serves very intelligent and callous people to denigrate other's contribution. keeps them in power. I think let other people decide if you are an egoP but I like the fact that you're testing the water, provoking reaction and refining your style ... onwards and sideways !