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RE: Are You Smart or Wise?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Hi @occupywallets!

Indeed, great addition to the discussion! Right you are, both of you, in fact! I believe what You and @hr1 are talking about can be described simply as patience, another virtue naturally stemming from the presence of wisdom - it helps you calm down and respect the natural order of things, further rendering you peaceful.

What I find somewhat humorous and powerful at the same time is the association I just got from this discussion; what we are talking about is in another way described in the code of the Jedi - the wisdom contained in characters like Yoda - even though fictional, but still an emodiement of wisdom in a way.

Realizing this, I now believe the wisdom in the movies is definitely a part of Star Wars' spell, at least that of the old trilogy - it's all about humility - the slogans are clear; "Trust in the Force!" is just another way of saying "Be humble and do not presume to be correct about everything all the time." For indeed we are creatures whose wisdom is mainly borne of mistakes and errors, but the same things can trigger the exact opposite - bitterness, hate and discontent. That is, as I believe, what the universe calls "a path to the dark side". It is essentially a warning from acting under the influence of impatience, fear and anger - the opposite of wisdom.

These are definitely enlightening revelations for me, thank you both again!


Patience is nice, but I am actually talking about SEEING... Not anything along WITH the seeing, just observing all without preconception... And did you know where George Lucas borrowed The Force from? Why, from Taoism, of course! Star Wars is cool, but I would get life teaching from thousands of generations of monks and masters, not from Disney, LOL!

Yoda V Monsanto.gif