place and people where you feel you belong, if you have a roof over your head and have some love to share with those surrounding you, not much more is needed to be happy. Did you know there's actually been scientific studies about the relationship between income and feeling happy? That the state of Buthan actually measures Gross National Hapiness?Beautiful, once again @meno, and I couldn't agree more. Only one thing I know for sure about hapiness: the biggest part of it is simply the absence of worries while having love and purpose in life. If you have a
The concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH) was promulgated by His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the Fourth King of Bhutan in the early 1970s. When His Majesty spoke about GNH at the time, he questioned the prevailing measurement system that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) alone could deliver happiness and well-being to society.
And the studies all say that there is a relation between income and hapiness, but that it has a limit of around $80,000 per year; everything above that doesn't significantly increase hapiness...
Great food for thought my friend!
Wow, that is pretty crazy... thank you for sharing this information..