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RE: Distributed Denial of Service (aka DDOS) attack... beyond computers... it's in your mind

in #philosopjy8 years ago

Interesting and very worthy analysis... I like this, and largely agree. Put people in a state of perpetual overwhelm, to the point where they end up going "WHATever" and tuning out.

I'm not sure how to phrase it in computer terms, but my response tends to be to employ "countermeasures" towards as many influential sources as possible...

Which, for me, means writing pieces that expose "underlying motivations" and broadcast them as much as possible. Of course, I'm just one small voice saying "It doesn't HAVE to be this way." Makes me not very popular with Facebook friends who accuse me of "pouring water" on arguments involving a lot of name calling...


You're messing with your FB friend's safe spaces.

Well, yeah... the thing that saddens me is how many people seem almost "addicted" to being in the middle of an emotional argument, rather than simply exploring and arriving at solutions. Evidently, a lot of people find "name calling" more rewarding that exploring answers....

Education system doesn't really teach them why they shouldn't do that. In fact these days the education system seems to encourage that.

I've always disliked the group think you get in class, everybody that is different is bad and he's not normal :D it rarely happened but It seems like a trend these days, clothes are more important than the content of character :)