
Not a matter of smart, a matter of exposure. DOS might make someone thing Department of Signals or something like that if they are unfamiliar with what DDOS actually stands for.

A DOS attack does the same thing Denial of Service by flooding a site from a single location. Those can usually be mitigated by blocking the address it is coming from. DDOS though is spread all over the place so blocking an address does not work too well.

well you can block the input which is the goal of the attacker anyways :D

Cheers to abit, I have a 2/3rd vote from him :D always makes me value my comments :D

Blocking the input works with a DOS attack. IT doesn't work so well with a DDOS. Since they come from all over the place, and are generally infected machines being zombied into the cause.

Kind of like infected minds being zombied into the cause.

I get it after reading your article...thanks, as JS Mill would say- I've replaced error with truth (while we're on the subject of philosophjy ;) )

The J was me trying to use an English/Spanish hybrid today. The J is to be pronounced like H as in Jose. :P (actually just a typo... but we can joke)