A very powerful article I wish most people could understand and have the wisdom to see it in action as it unfolds before their eyes or over them... Sadly it would not be the case. You surely deserve the @lordvader award. Thank you for such information as it badly needs to rise in the masses consciousness. This sort of education is primordial for our efforts to save the face of the pain stricken "democracy".
The methods underlined up above are blatantly, to me anyway, used today on a range of size starting from the individuals to groups spanning the globe. These seeds of war find themselves growing to a certain extent everywhere, as I see it every day in our kids regurgitating the medias' slogans to each other as they "play" as well as by the way they interact socially or on a one to one basis when they argue and/or fight.
The adult versions presented needs to be exposed under as many of their facets as possible for the public to become aware, if not hyperaware, of these methods spreading through mindsets and media propagation like invasive species in nature:
1- "(...) Convincing their opponents that fighting back is futile and that surrender is preferable, or, they convince their opponents to destroy themselves through internal conflict and psychological sabotage."
2- "(...) Initiate a civil war within a target population, and in most cases, control the leadership on both sides of that conflict."
3- "(...) To conjure an enemy, an outside threat which may be legitimate or entirely fabricated, and use that enemy to push a target population to unify under a particular banner that benefits the globalist cabal in the long run."
Again, thank you for underlining these disease of our cultures and by the same token help us disarm and and or create a antidotes to make sure we aren't going to infect our minds and hearts. "Patience", on that level, will thus become even more so the "Mother of All Virtues". All for one and one for all! Namaste :)