Hello, Beautiful morning Hive community, This morning I will post a picture of a flower taken with a smartphone camera as a result of the natural beauty of this picture taken on the home page, I hope the Hive community likes it, thank you for the support.
Hello, Pagi yang indah komunitas Hive, Dipagi ini saya akan memposting gambar bunga di ambil dengan kamera smartphone hasil dari keindahan alam gambar ini di ambil dihalaman rumah, semoga para komunitas Hive menyukainya terima kasih atas dukungannya.

This image is the result of natural beauty that is so perfect This picture was taken yesterday with cloudy weather

This picture was taken with the Xiaomi s2 f/2.2 1/323 iso100 3.84mm smartphone camera

Thanks Hive Lovers for being with us!
See you next time with more amazing posts!