Question: Are those single ear Bluetooth Star Trek phone headset still considered douchey?
And if so, what about those new Apple wireless earphones? Double douche?
I'll admit that is how I see it, but hey what do I know? I don't even carry a cell phone.
I am pretty sure that Google glass thing is still not cool. And the Apple Watch along with the smart watch movement in general is suspect to me. My 20 year old Secko automatic diver's watch is still serving me well. Buying new bands is the only costs I've incurred in all that time. Tech is okay but tech for tech sake is frivolous at best.
Who gives a damn what others think?
Wear what you want.
My point is most of this stuff is just over hyped commercialism purchased and displayed to impress others not because it making your life better. Frivolous , like I said mostly done for status, and what is status if not caring about other's opinion . So to answer your question "who gives a damn what other think?" I say mainly it's those who go in for this techno gadgetry. IMO