Fellow greetings steeminians. Continuing with the project to publish a photo each day, today go them to show a plant that found me while it went way to expect the transport to go to the work. His color called me a lot the attention and remembered this technician (A Photo Every day) like reason for postear, the plant to continuation calls :
Nombre común: Buganvilla
Nombre científico: Bougainvillea glabra
Origen: América del sur
Familia: Nyctaginaceae
Ubicación: To full sun, the shadow does that they fall him the leaves
It is a plant climber that produces big stalks with small stings that help him to stick to the surface, has his origin in Brazil and is a perennial bush that, depending of the climate, can lose the leaves in winter. In fact, in tropical climates flowers during all the year giving flowers of different colors, being the most common the flowers fuchsia, oranges and white.
Although, in reality, what characterizes to the buganvillas are not the flowers, but the leaves of colors fuchsia or purple that are around these. Although what we call flowers are in reality bracts (the properly said flower is this small white that goes out of the center).
The photos were taken from my cellular Blu Advance 4.0
** This has been all by the moments, expect have liked him **
Thats really pretty
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks my friend. It can leave his vote ha ha
I follow you, I hope for your reciprocity
Ready my friend