I spent a few months at a resort called Koh Wai Pakarang in Thailand and it was one of the most memorable moments in my life. I did not appreciate photography as much as I do now so luckily my father suggested I take lots of photos with a digital camera. I took tons of photos and plenty of them turned out bad, but looking back I am happy to have the memories. I was at the resort during low season so I pretty much had the place to myself along with the few resort staff that stayed on. I spend my days wandering in the jungle behind the resort accompanied by a pack of beach dogs I made friends with.
I am not a fan of large densely populated cities, so getting out of Bangkok was my first priority once my plane landed. The solitude if the resort was just what I needed to calm my mind and figure out what was important in life. I had just quit my IT job and needed to plan my next move. I always drove inexpensive cars and never tried to live above my means and ideally enjoyed living well below my means. This vacation from a life of working all the time was much needed. The calming waves and the sound of the ocean really put life into perspective and reminded me what life was all about.
I fell in love with Thailand at that point and ended up returning to the same location three more times in the following years for months at a time. I learned that working temp Jobs in IT often payed more and allowed me the freedom to have large chunks of time off once the temp Jobs finished. If the company that hired you liked your work, they would contact you for future Jobs when you returned from your adventures. It was nice to finally find something that worked and let me take time off to take a real vacation and not just a couple weeks where you had to stress just to get everything done that you wanted.
I of course am not married and have no children and realize this play a big part in why I can live a life so free. I know married couples that can achieve similar results as I did, but it takes a little more work and usually it helps if they do not live in the USA.
I have rambled on long enough, so I will leave you with a photo and a wish for you to get away and be with nature.
Beautiful place, the water is so clear. A few months is quite a long stay though
It was a long stay and I could have easily stayed longer if circumstances permitted it.
I love beach!!! That is a very clean ocean.im sure u enjoyed your stay
It was awesome, and I always love your beach photos.
Wow I can see why you fell in love with it there. A great location!
Would love to sell everything and go for a year, but you can only do up to a few months at a time unless you do a visa run. It would be hard to readjust after doing that for a year though so its probably a good thing I cant.
Months?! That is really amazing. But eventually did you feel that now it's time to go home or do you believe you could stay there forever?
I always think about going back, it was one of the best times in my life. I am a personality type that gets energy from being alone, so the combination of fresh food and amazing views made this an ideal location for me.
man, this is the type of scenery I seek out when I travel. I'm not a big city type if I can help it. You are right about being lucky with those temp jobs. This type of lifestyle is tough to pull off lol.
It is hard to pull off and I haven't been able to maintain it, but I hope to eventually go back with better photography skills.
Man, it's beautiful
It's like a dream place
Very much like a dream, I felt like that every day.
very beautiful post and breathtaking scenery @azfix
Glad you like it
Wow you took awesome, excellent photography and you are a true nature lover.
Thank you
Wow I really like this post you are a success @azfix
Very kind of you to say
WOW! Beautiful photos of the sea. The scenery of the island is very wonderful. The water is clean and clear. It looks peace and good for relaxing indeed. I’m really happy to hear that you fell in love with Thailand because of this.
You were so lucky to have vacations there for long period. Really great indeed! ;)