Another year has gone by since my last post already. Time to share some goodies. Mời bạn ngồi và thưởng thức!
As the years go by, Vietnam becomes more and more my home. However, it still manages to surprise me. This country has an interesting mix of deep respect for its history on the one hand and accepting human's thirst for modern fast life and lust on the other.
Which makes advertisement like this possible
Or finding this bedding in your newly rented home
The accepted level of humor is unimaginable for most Tây like me. A car like this wouldn't be allowed on the road for long where I'm from.
Transformer Police unit Since 1865
Childlike playfulness is found everywhere in Asian society. And don't we all have an inner child? Maybe from the same couple?
You don't need to be rich to be participate ofc Scooters can be creative too
Not everything is fun and games however. Vietnamese are on the grind. Always hustling. Even on unorthodox moments..
Sad Shirts & Motivational Messages
Just as bunny cars and transformer cops are accepted, so is being vocally down and out. Regular readers will remember previous dark and sad shirts. They are everywhere and easily spotted at great stores like: With all the banging brands like Bitter Pills
Hey Just kidding
Others make you think twice
I mean.. I think I still underestimate this tbh
Last time we were living under lock downs and life in Vietnam was only just getting back to normal. And in true Vilosophic style, people have integrated the past in the present through the ever creative Vietnamese t-shirts
So lets focus on nice things! Like..
And go be Đừng hỏi vì sao
Bad Benches
Can't do a Curious Captures without some bad benches. Not too long ago, while driving through the local rice fields I came upon a nice riverside. We had been driving for a while, so it was a good place to take a break. If only there was a bench to enjoy this view with.. Vietnamese benches are not into views.. its something I will just have to accept..
they love construction sites..
and looking at the floor..
Vietnam is king of fakes. With classics like: And
These producers own up to it and have big plans I mean...
But one target is by far the countries favorite. Pronounced as goo-see From simple slippers and shoes to more intricate shoe-shirts And ofc Vietnamese sleepwear!
Sometimes it even confuses the creator
Không có gì là không thể
Ever flexible with moods, language and culture out here. So today I do not end with a goodbye, but with a hello