Aeromodelismo is a hobby with a high scientific and technical component whose objective is to design, build and fly planes to scale, or as a replica as accurate as possible of other existing ones, designed exclusively for aeromodelling or even test designs for future real aircraft.
There are different modalities of aeromodelling:
Free flight: Pure towed models, launched by hand or with rubber or explosion engine that plan without control or intervention of its owner.
Circular flight, also called U-Control: Models that revolve around the pilot controlled by it thanks to a set of cables. Within this modality we find aeromodelling disciplines as different as acrobatics (F2B), models (F4B), racing (F2C), speed (F2A) and combat (F2D).
Radio control (R / C): It is the queen category of the model airplane. In it we can find models or semimaquetas (according to their degree of similarity with respect to the real model), sailboats, motorsailers, etc., without counting helicopters, autogyros and any flying spawn that works thanks to radio signals that transmit orders to servosque acting on the control surfaces of the models.
Interiors: Models specifically designed to fly in enclosed spaces, among which radio control helicopters, especially battery-operated, stand out due to their low weight. Radio-control models have also recently been designed to fly indoors, such as gymnasiums, large-sized warehouses, etc. There are many stores in almost every country that specialize in selling these items for this hobby.
[FPV] [1]: It comes from the English "[First Person View] [2]". This is a new mode of aeromodelling in which the pilot guides the model aircraft through wireless video. The images from the plane are transmitted live to the pilot through virtual reality glasses or monitors. There are also clubs in many cities that make competitions in the different divisions of the model airplane and they help a lot to those who start in this scientific sport.
For their propulsion or flight system, they can be divided into gliders, sailboats, rubber engine, electric, explosion or electric motor.