I could feed the world in one word and that would be the wonderful plant "dandelion".
I want to introduce you to the idea that we can eat healthy and free.
Now first thing is that diversity is key so eat the biggest diversity of food as possible, however wild roots are the best because wild plants have the deepest (aka tap root in most cases) and should be more mineral rich. Which should be a consideration when taking food. Take wild food from the cleanest sources as possible. That is especially true for wetter environments. That is why I do not spray anything.
Dandelions are edible top to bottom and the roots can even be made into coffee (caffeine free). From salad to medicine the dandelion is remarkable. Look it up online and be amazed, just know everyone is not a doctor and most are trying to sell something. Don't rely on one source and know exactly what you are consuming even if it takes asking an expert. Now for some beetle and friend pics because I don't mind pests in my yard, dandelions included.
Ready for your close up?
Any luck making Dandelion coffee? Mine always turns out too weak.
My girlfriend made it once but I'm not that into coffee so I was like meh. It's a lot of work though so I think other tea/coffee would be better like cedar which is local here.