kebun kecil ( Small gardens)

in #photo8 years ago (edited)

Kecintaanku dalam menanam membuatku sering membersihkan sekecil apapun tanah yang kosong. berbagai tanaman yang bisa mengahasilkan baik buahnya dan untuk dijual seperti tanaman jahe ini. aku menanamnya dalam tempat kertas plastik sebagai pot. aku hanya membeli kertas pot plastik, tanah yang gembur dan bibit jahe. ketika pulang kerja dan waktu kosong. setelah ada semua, tanah dimasukkan kedapalam pot plastik secukupnya lalu tanahnya dicampurkan dengan puput organik dan didiamkan selama beberapa hari dengan diberi padi didalamnya. setelah padi tumbuh didalamnya pertanda tanah sudah bisa ditanami jahe.

My love for planting keeps me from cleaning up the smallest amount of empty land. Various plants that can have both fruit and for sale like this ginger plant. I plant it in place of plastic paper as a pot. I just bought plastic pot, loose soil and ginger seeds. When it came home from work and free time. After all, the soil is inserted into a plastic pot to taste then the soil mixed with organic fertilizer and let stand for a few days with rice in it. After the rice grows in it land marks can be planted with ginger.

untuk menanam jahe, buah yang diambil harus yang terbaik sebagai bibit, ambil jahe rendam dengan air yang sudah dijampurkan denganbahan antibiotik supaya aman dari kuman. setelah direndam beberapa jam ambil buah rendaman tersebut letakkan ditempat yang lembab denga dittupi jerami sampi tunasnya tumbuh, setelah tumbuh potonglah tuans tersebut keberapa bagian lalu ambil tanamkan didalam pot plastik yang sudah siap. letakkan jerami menutupi bibit sampai dia tumbuh berlahan-lahan dan subur.

To grow ginger, the fruits are taken should the best as seeds, take ginger soaked with water that has been mixed with antibiotic material to be safe from germs. After soaking a few hours to take the fruit soak it place in a humid premises ditpupi straw until the shoots grow, after growing pieces of sirs are a few parts and then take planted in plastic pots that are ready. Place the straw over the seeds until it grows slowly and fertile.


Jangan sia-siakan lahan kosong segeralah menanam !!!

Do not waste empty land immediately plant!


"Do not waste empty land" Very good message. Thank you for posting. I've always wanted to grow ginger. I might just give it a try now.

Yes. Good luck and carried out your wishes well.