
The roots are nice, amazing @novina

The roots are so many, what is a tree @ novina .. ??

Nice picture @novina, I love every post you

Strong root @ novina

Like the people of science then he is getting stronger in arguing, so the more trees the more roots the stronger the wind shocks. Good post @novina

I love nature

back to the roots

Strong and sturdy root @ novina

Whether that's a big tree root @novina ????

Beautiful photo

The nature is amazing!


What a great angle.
So many beautiful roots!

Very amazing postings like that. Because every one of us who look will definitely think how long this plant life, and what efficacy for others, do we also think if we become an old man like that there is to the advantage for others, or become a vandal to others

Very pretty picture of nature!

mother nature !!

This is the root of coconut..


What roots it is @novina..??

Roots are an art of nature

That's an incredible view to look upon.

Nice, pat kafoto bak Aron (casuarina) nyan @novina..??

The power of trees depending on the root when the tree was high then the more roots out . was roots a little then the power will be reduced so that the trees will be uprooted easily when blown by strong winds. the it function roots. thank you've shared

Excellent post .. follow me. Regards !!!! @novina