The beauty of winter season in Lithuania, in photos. By various authors.
Part thirteenn
[photo author: Silvija M.]
[photo author: Jovita Vyšniauskienė]
[photo author: Monika Karpičiūtė]
[photo author: Zina Viskontienė]
[photo author: Gintarė Palubinskaitė]
[photo author: Daiva Šimkutė]
[photo author: omas Cikatavičius]
[photo author: Kamilė Cibulskaitė]
[photo author: Liuda M.]
My previous posts of this series:
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (1)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (2)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (3)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (4)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (5)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (6)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (7)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (8)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (9)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (9)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (10)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (11)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (12)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (14)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (15)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (16)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (17)
Winter pics in Lithuania, 2018 (18, final)
wow so beautiful winter pic in 😊Lithuania
That fourth photo is extra special! Would be a wonderful photo hanging on the wall! Can't tell exactly what it is though :D..A waterfall?
Yes. You are right
i really hope you don't get frustrated with my comments but i am really enjoying these posts these are incredible :D
No problem @blazing , always good to hear from you.
That frozen waterfall is amazing!! Its quite scary how cold it has to get for moving water to freeze over!
Not really that cold. The lost speed stream of fresh ( not salt) water can do this even below -(15-20)C ... The lowest I have ever seen here was -35C. But days below -30C goes not happen every year. And sure only for a very short period, ~1-2 days
Oh Wow! -35!!!! Thats madness!! I stay in South Africa, so we have the opposite here. Right now its about 32C. Its been 42C in some areas last week.
breathtaking photos..can you please tell what is it in the 3rd photo? is it a frozen waterfall?
Yes ! Exactly.
Its an awesome place it is look like paradise. I think the photographer have good and awesome skills to taking photos.
the photographer and place is valuable you have to prouder to residents like this place
Very beautiful photo
Wow, amazing views
I wish to visit there. . . .
It's all photos are amazing dear .
Good post :) I really like your posts, keep the spirit and be the best
excellent nature photography @onealfa. thanks for sharing.
Wow..It is outstanding photography .You express in your photography many seasonal tree,flower and natural beauty and you also describe about it.
That a really good job.Carry on your activity
omg..these are not have words to tell :)
It is great natural beauty .You express very amazing natural senary.I appreciate your photos .Carry on your activity
i love the pictures specially the snow on the trees .. its fantastic
Another extremely fantastic photographs!
I liked these ones a lot more than others-
Great photos @onealfa sir :)
Wowww @onealfa you made really professional picture with a super view and the high quality of the image that really amazing those pictures give us the real feelings of the moment i wish that i can see more kind of those view perfect job 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
nice I was upvote please upvote back and follback.
Awesome photography dear keep it up i am going to visit your blog I love your photography hope you will like my photography