Who retreats to get up and take some coffee, must be punished with whips and locked. No one is able to refuse, never, a rich cup of coffee.
Blessed are you, for knowing how important you are,
that when it reaches my palate, it is almost never surprised.
Different from the others, different from who it deserves,
You are unique and special and in my voice you feel.
Your taste is agra-dulce as we all already know, and the forces that apply to you
you deserve a repiqué, you help me to calm down, you help me not to be agitated and at the time of one,
Help me wake up.
Your coffee trees do not give me love, when toasting and burning you, they are my salvation.
You manage to stand up, every day without thinking, and not just a cup, but with 4 or more.
It's too obvious to feel your sweetness, it's too tasty to feel your flavor,
but nothing pleases me more than having you on my palate and feeling in my heart.
You calm my anxiety, and you lead me to war.
Every day is so different when your taste already touches my soul.
You are black and I do not fear you, rather I have appreciation for you, it is undoubtedly to tell you that NO!
Everyone with their tastes, and everyone with their dislikes.
Life gives us options and for that there are the flavors and colors.
Good Morning.
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