PhotoBomb Challenge #15

Hello dear PhotoBombers!

I hope you are ready for a new challenge because it is just starting!

Let's announce the winners of the PhotoBomb #14!


(Judge @lord-faustus)

First place and the winner of 12$: @munadikiehl

Second place and the winner of 8$: @devinalivaudais

Third place and the winner of 4$: @yhelle00025

Fourth place and the winner of 2$: @bulent1976

Fifth place and the winner of 2$: @olymar248

Sixth place and the winner of 2$: @cejero021

Congratulations to all the winners!!


Judge for PhotoBomb Challenge #15 will be @jesdn16

For this time you need to make photo bomb with this photo:



The most creative and funny PhotoBomb this week will be awarded with $12!

Winner - 12 $

Second place - 8 $

Third place - 4 $

Fourth Fifth & Sixth - 2 $


For this contest a photobomb is considered a valid entry when you use the provided image and insert it into a picture of your choice to make it look funny.

- Title of every entry must contain "PhotoBomb challenge # - Entry #"
- End of challenge will be on Tuesday at 12:00 (UTC +1)
- First tag of post must be #photobombchallenge
- Each user can have up to 3 entries that will be considered in challenge
- Announcement of winners will be on Thursday

How to support challenge?

- Vote on this post
- Resteem this post
- Create at least one entry
- If you are interested to be guest judge on next challenge contact me at
- If you have an picture for next meme challenge post it in reply of this post or contact me

Good luck everyone!

Support #photobombchallenge with your upvote!

Payout of meme posts are filling photobombchallenge reward pool!

Greetings from @fibra59

full size

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This seems fun . Let me try my best . 😊😊😊😊

I'm waiting for your entry @applelex :))

I did . But idk if u can see it thou 😓😓😓
Idk if Ima doing it right .

It was a great contest, very difficult to judge! Congratulations to the winners @munadikiehl, @devinalivaudais, @yhelle00025, @bulent1976, @olymar248 and @cejero021, I hope you continue to participate.

And I thank @fibra59 for the opportunity! It was a very pleasant experience!

Thank you for choosing me as the first winner. I really appreciate. For another winner, congratulations. You are all amazing. Thank you very much @fibra59, for making this contest so fun.

Wow, I'm among the winners! Thank you so much for choosing me. I saw really good works in this contest so I can Imagine the struggle for the final decision. I really enjoyed it! Thanks to @fibra59 for the challenge! And congrats to the other winners!

The pleasure was mine, thank you very much for considering my participation and of course I will continue participating

Thank you for choosing me. I did not expect that . Congratulations to all of us. Big thanks to @fibra59 for this contes....:)

Big thanks to all of you guys!! I hop that you will keep to participate.
Thanks to our judge @lord-faustus too, he did a great job! :)

Beautiful photobombchallenge i love your funny
Thanks for sharing busy
I appreciate your contest

Thank you!
I hope to se your entry soon @richardalom :)

Thanks for arranging such an awesome contest. Here is my entry 1 for the Contest.

Amazing contest of photos. You the stage

download (1).jpg

Hi,all my first entry for Photobombchallenge

Thank you! :)Haha, great entry @traderr

Nice one! Thank you for your participation @mariitabrito :))

Thank you for your participation @hiarevalo :)

No problem @fibra59. Im happy for being a contestant. :)

Here are my three entries :

Entry 1 : Donald Trump photo bomb !

Entry 2 : Spongebob photo bomb !

Entry 3 : Freddy vs Bugs Bunny Photo Bomb !

Click here to visit the official topic

Very nice photobombchallenge, I like it this funny. thanks for sharing this contest. I appreciate your busy........

Thank you, I'm waiting for your entry too @konasharmin :D

Thank you very much for your post. you have informed us in this regard. I am waiting for your support in the last posting. good luck luck

Im new to this, where do i post my photo for the challenge

Just make a post for your entry then post it here in the comment section, together with the link and the meme photo

Thank you

The truth was not the pleasure of knowing your account but since I follow you, I found the contest interesting. Greetings from Venezuela

Thank you very much @hasbydiaz :))

Wow! You have to spend shit load of time on this guys! :D Good work!

Challenge, where you can win up to 100s $SD!
If you want to, you can try it here:


Thank you for your participation, I hope too se more entrys like this one from you :Hahaha, awesome entry @okn!

Thanks to @fibra59 for having chosen my photobombilancia, among his favorites a great pleasure to have participated and I will continue doing it until being the winner of the first place congratulations to all the winners and participants

Thank you too for your participation :)
All the best @olymar248 :)

Here is my first entry for Photobomb Challenge #15


Keep up the good work :DNice one @faiber :))

Thank you!Nice entry @ysrizal :)

Thank you for voting...It is so fun joining here!

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