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RE: Animals & Plants Wednesday - hosted by #photochallenge !!

in #photochallenge6 years ago

Soo sweet .. I would really like to have one as a pet for my son .. or for myself ;) .. is it true that you can train them to bring you a beer from the fridge and open it for you ? .. hehe


Haha ...they are sweet you can train them to do anything for you just like a little human but you need to have big property to allow to have them :)

I did not know that with the property .. I actually did not think that there were restrictions, but it makes sence .. hope to see more nice post of you from thailand ^^

They are the rules in Australia as once i wanted one like you do and i made enquirers with the animal board and this what they told me i assume it would be the same in your country but it would be worth checking i would say because they need room like you said imagine then in a house they would be swinging of your chandeliers...haha ;)