
looks like the post is missing #share2steem tag

u can edit that insta post and add in the tag

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you

let me know if it works. If it still doesn't maybe it's the account verification. @algo.coder able to help check back-end on @timothyallen account insta post above.

Works now thanks. Is there a way to automatically set the hashtags that appear with the post on steem?

Also, second question... can you set it up to automatically cross post with out adding the hashtag share2steem in insta?

awesome !
the first 5 hash tag used on insta post will automatically become the steem post tags

in the future there will be an option that let user toggle autopost without share2steem tag. currently that option only works for twitter. not sure the tgt date thou, need to chk with @algo.coder

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks. With that option it would be much easier for me to persuade new people to start using it.

btw if you want to customise the title on steem, use square bracket om ya insta post ie [heart to heart, mind to mind]

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep, it looks like you did everything right. Your Instagram account is active and verified and the contents ready to be cross-posted to Steem.

Hope to see you soon using our app !
If you encounter any problem or have any questions, feel free to join our Discord As said by @onepercentbetter, the only other requirement now is to put the #share2steem hashtag somewhere in your future Instagram posts for them to be cross-posted to Steem.

I'm going to try and use cross posting from Insta as a way to get some of my colleagues to start using steem. Fingers crossed.