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RE: First Street Art

in #photocircle6 years ago

Thanks for that info I did not know that, and I love the idea behind it, I must swing by there again soon the art changes every few months and I think its been 6 or 77 months since I have been there so a lot will have changed
NYC is amazing for all the art, thats is one thing I will miss when I stop working in the city and do not live so close
I am surprised Washington does not have that genre,
I thought we joined on the same day, but I discovered actually shows the date one joined and you actually joined steemit 10 days before me on the 16th of June, so you are the trendsetter of us :)


Oh! Did I really? Thanks for letting me know! I let the date come and go! I was surprised that there is not the same vibe here in DC that there is in NYC, for some reason, I thought there would be. For that, I love NY better.

It has different things here and very cool things, but, not quite so bohemian, if you will. I guess that is what appeals to me. You will have to run by there again and let me know if it is still there. :)

I re read your comment and mention of the First Street Park Mural , I cant say I have seen that there is mural’s all around the first street green that they let artists have a spot for a short period of time to showcase there work
