Here's a few more I thought were interesting or good enough to share from when I went out filming recently. Hope you enjoy!
The first one I did a lil color editing on, the rest are raw from the camera. However there are various filters I was using so the colors will be a bit different.
These were all filmed in Sedona, Arizona on the Elph 360. Thanks for stopping by!
Soo beautiful, i always love traveling and exploring places and taking pictures to remember my journey. Just looking into the water is peaceful
Wow they sure are beautiful buddy
While today I also got to take some shots similar to the images that you posted.
It sure feels lovely to be in the nature.
Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk
That's a really nice cloud dude. I just figured what kind of cloud it is and that would be a WOW cloud. Great shots again, keep it up!
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Hello @apolymask, for me all the photos are beautiful, even the ones you say are unprocessed from the camera.
I see one by one but I can't choose my favorite, I stay with all and thanks for sharing.