Hello again internet peoples! This image is kinda neat. I shared a picture from this sunset a lil while back and I don't feel like this shot is amazing or anything like that, but, I do think it's nice and I like the really long cloud that goes through it! That was a really neat cloud and pretty unique.
I don't remember seeing a cloud quite like this one before, at least around where I live... It reminds me of a snake. It also reminds me of "roll" clouds(Arcus clouds), which I've never seen here where I live before that I can remember, but, they are also very long tubelike clouds.
For some context in size you can see what appears to be a planet in the sky and this cloud continued for quite a ways on both sides of the picture. I have some images from further out that I may work on one day, however, the further you zoom out the less appealing the image looks in my opinion.
Okey doke. I think that's it for me, I don't have much to say today. Doot doola doot doo.
Hi @apolymask , Apparently you have no desire to speak, better that way, actions remain in the mind, words are lost and forgotten.
Hello friend, what a good post do you have my vote
Hello @apolymask if it's quite nice and has some rather unusual single color shades.
Hola @apolymask si es bastante agradable y tiene unas tonalidades de un único color bastante inusuales.
Warm is right and add mellow, so nice in the middle of Winter. These clouds resemble whats called a Hermoltz wave cloud, cant tell because of lack of detail. Nice shot.
If you are right it is a warm landscape... it is the typical sunset to enjoy it for a while.
Si tienes razón es un paisaje cálido… es el típico atardecer para disfrutarlo un rato.