Hi, thanks for the comment!
30 seconds of exposure - I had to use long exposure time to catch the existing light, it was dark already and this was the best way to do it in that moment. I wanted to keep the lowest possible ISO to have a good quality image and noise free shadows, also, I wanted to have my aperture slightly closed, like f/11, to get the Field of View big enough to cover the scene. If I had my remote shutter release with me, I could even use longer time to get brighter image.
Hi, thanks for the comment!
30 seconds of exposure - I had to use long exposure time to catch the existing light, it was dark already and this was the best way to do it in that moment. I wanted to keep the lowest possible ISO to have a good quality image and noise free shadows, also, I wanted to have my aperture slightly closed, like f/11, to get the Field of View big enough to cover the scene. If I had my remote shutter release with me, I could even use longer time to get brighter image.
Got you! Thank you so much for sharing your insight. I really appreciate.