You never know what's around the corner.
It could be everything.
Or it could be nothing.
You keep putting one foot in front of the other,
and then one day you look back and you've climbed a mountain.
Tom HiddlestonOver the last year, I have shared many photos of my travels to British Columbia, Squamish in particular. It's an area I hold dear to my heart.
The Stawamus Chief Mountain is known as "The Chief" to rock climbers world wide as well as to the locals in Squamish. For the indigenous people in this area, this rock is a place of spiritual importance.
The Stawamus Chief - photo by @countrygirl
The Chief is a granite dome, the second largest granite monolith in the world. It stands approximately 2,300 feet (700m) on the Howe Sound shores of the Pacific Ocean.
As a popular hiking, rock climbing and slack lining destination it offers three main trails and incredible scenic views of Howe Sound and several mountains in Garibaldi Provincial Park areas.
The recent addition of a ten minute ride to the top of the Chief, via the Sea to Sky Gondola, allows quick access to the trails year round. There are viewing decks, a restaurant and a suspension bridge that connects the gullies at the peak.
On the north east side of the Chief there is a white scar known as "the witch" to the locals. To me, it looks like a bear standing up. I can't see "the witch".
Shannon Falls is where most people start their journey. The roar from the falling water reverberated in my chest and its mist hovered through the rainforest below.
Shannon Falls - photo by @countrygirl
sunset at the base of The Chief - photo by @countrygirl
Thank you for posting @countrygirl ! I had no idea this place existed just a little north of Vancouver, BC. If I get up that way any time soon I'll be sure to visit "The Chief".
It's about a 45 min drive north of Van. Definitely worth it.
Beautiful place, awesome shots. I actually like those taken by you more than the the first one from Wikipedia :) Have you tried any photocontests here on Steemit? You would do great. Thanks for this post and for making me put Canada to the top of my travel list :)) Greetings from Mexico!
Wow, thank you so much! What a great compliment. Yes I have tried some contests and was successful in a couple. I really appreciate your words.
Beautiful set of photos! We're posting this on @photofeed!
Really? Wow. Thanks so much!
What a beautiful scenery to enjoy while hiking. Abi and I enjoy a good trail walk and climb, but we don’t have mountains like ‘‘The Chief.’’
Oh the Chief is more than a hike. I couldn't do it all. There are ropes and ladders to help pull you up shear walls. I only can do the low level little girl hikes :)
That waterfall is amazing!!
Thanks @jasonrussell. It's an amazing place.
These are majestic photos - the Chief is awe-inspiring. Love the waterfall and sunset pic - the quote from Hawthorne is beautiful
Thanks sir. I appreciate your thorough comments and encouragement.
Upvoted. Some great shots here. The contrast in colours is great.
Also im struggling to spot the witch! If anyone sees it could they pleasr point it out!
It's in the second photo - you'll notice right in the middle of the rock and down a bit you can see a whitish big scar. That's supposed to be the witch. I can only see a bear.
Thanks so much @bit-sp.
The way you captured the waterfall is simply gorgeous. And yeah that Hawthorn quote is delicious.
Thanks @genxrev. Glad you enjoyed the photo and quote. :)
The Chief shot is really lovely. It makes me want to go for a climb.
Thanks so much @jfolkmann. You should go sometime.
I really like what you are doing here. I'm new in these parts but I know someone to follow when I see them!
Thanks @visualcontent. Welcome to Steemit. :)
Great photos of the Chief! I've been there, but not to the top. Did you ride the gondola? I think I'd be scared!
No I haven't yet.....if....I'm going out there in a couple of months and I'll probably be pressured to go. I've been on the Peak to Peak in Whistler and it was fine. I'm told the Sea to Sky gondola goes straight up rather than on an incline.
Very cool post and awesome captures!!!
Thanks so much!
I totally agree with @johngeddes. Just astounding photo's
aw....thank you!
That first shot is amazing!
Thanks so much @aweber. Means a lot.
Those are beautiful photos! I especially love the first one! ❤
It's a fabulous place to see - maybe when you hit BC you'll pass by it on your way to Whistler? Isn't that one of the places you said you're going? or am I mistaking you for @life-is-a-donut?
Hm, I am not going there and I don't think my aunt was going there either.
The Chief [...] the second largest granite monolith in the world
Where is the first one?
In Australia.
Yes. I found out:

That mountain is very famous but it's not granite. The one you might want to see is Mount Augustus, in Australia.
Nice post! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks @shadalene.
the scenery is so beautiful my friend ..
Thanks so much @zubir01 :)
yes same same my friend .. please help in my blog yes my friend is good yes
Sure, I'll take a look and if there is something there I'll upvote you. I'll keep an eye out for you.
thank you for helping me my good friend yes
very beautiful photography, the nautaleza is beautiful and always gives us wonderful landscapes
Thank you.
Steemit all the way.
Great post tnx for sharing I just upvoted.
Check out my new posts if you can plz
upvote resteem comment @gclipse
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The mist and colours in the second to last photo, with the falls pounding down the side, are amazing. I can imagine hiking here is quite a workout.
I can kind of see a witch on a broom outline, do you mean the white bit on the side of the mountain? Is that the part called the witch?
Lovely photos and it looks like an amazing area.
Yes....the white bit on the side of the can see the witch eh? I only see a weird. Maybe I don't want to see a witch :)
Thanks for you comment!
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Thanks for sharing. Didn't know that. Photos are also beautiful. It must have been amazing seeing it live.
Yes it is. I always feel at home there. Thanks for stopping by :)
Lovely photos. My personal way to see mountains is when mist and rain covers them.
So true. They are amazing to see.
Great post.
Thank you.
I am so sorry I can't view your photos! British Columbia has breathtaking scenery so I'm sorry I was unable to enjoy them with you!
Nice photos
Your mountains are similar to our Carpathian mountains
It's great to be near them I'll bet. I only get to see these when I visit my son.
amazing shots !!!
Thank you.!
Pretty pictures. I especially like the last two. Do the trails get very busy since there's easy access?
We drove by this rock when we were on our way to Vancouver, it looked amazing, thank you for sharing!
Oh ya? Awesome. Thanks for stopping by :)
Great pictures ! Good job
Thanks @weberh8. Appreciate it!
Love the waterfall. The first shot is majestic
Glad you enjoyed them!!! The first one seems to be the popular choice ? Who knew :)
Stunning images! Really epic location, congrats on the Photofeed selection!
Thank you @skiesand sports. I was surprised to be selected. Glad you enjoyed the images.
photos are very successful
Wow. Beautiful place.. Last shot is the best!
If you have a time you can visit my page and check my works. It will make me happy.
Have a nice day...
Beautiful shots! 👌
Glad you enjoyed them.
Thank you for sharing this granite awesome-ness! I would love to travel more of BC. This one is going on my list for sure. I read somewhere once that moving water has a positive effect on us humans, something about the ions...I'm sure someone else knows more than me. I like how you said you could feel it in your chest. I can feel the power from your words! Thank you for sharing!
You'd make amazing photos there for sure. Maybe you could find a wedding to shoot. There are so many amazing places to do that.
I would be so happy if I had a wedding in BC! It's so hard to get connected with those couples but if the opportunity arose I'd take it in a second!
Nice photos, and a very pretty area! Do people climb the cliff faces out there? It looks like they would be an interesting challenge for climbers. The horizontal fissures in the cliff faces are fascinating. It would be a fun place to have a drone.
Yes people do climb the cliff faces....and unfortunately there is a death or two every year. Not my thrill that's for sure.
A drone!! Yes....that would be fun.
That's sad, but not surprising. Cliffs are dangerous. Pretty, though.
We lost a tourist taking photos of the birds, when I lived in Ronda. He followed them right over the edge.
A boxer puppy also fell off in a different spot. It turns out that boxer puppies are actually made of rubber, though. The fire department repelled down and got him to safety, where he immediately started playing with another dog. He didn't even have a scratch! They should have renamed him "Lucky" or "Miracle."
Oh geez. That's terrible re the guy falling off the edge. I can see how it would be easy to do when not paying attention to footings. And the That's amazing.
you are an extraordinary photographer dear friend
congratulations. very nice light and pictures.
You're so sweet, thank you.
Beautiful pics and location. Really love the waterfall. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for your input @craigills. Means a lot. :)
You're most welcome :)
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