Oh ya....my dog would have made their visit very short if let loose on them. Although I wouldn't have wanted to bathe him after - goose poop is very sticky!!
You really ate rabbit? I've eaten deer and was told it was special beef .... and bison and told the same. I don't like being fooled like that.
I called them squeaky because I was in my tool shed and Levi was running around the yard as usual with his squeaky toy or so I thought. When I came out I saw 4 dead bunnies and one in his mouth. Squeaking! It died in my hand. Trauma!!! The other one got away.
Oh that was too funny!! Thanks for the belly laugh! I thought I was the only one that fell for the “special” meat. I too would need councilling on the squeaky toy story (although it’s so bad I’m laughing). I have a similar horror story about the death of my talking parrot. Jeez!