The Incredible City of Pompeii

in #photofeed7 years ago


I've heard many times of Pompeii but never would I have imagined what it would be to be walking in it. Once a thriving and sophisticated Roman city, Pompeii was buried under meters of ash and pumice after the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. It is over 64 acres large and use to be inhabited by about 20,000 people. It felt like we could not completely explore it in a single day.

The whole day I was running around taking pictures...every angles were different and I could not settle on what was a "good shot". So I used the "spray and pray" method.


I can't think of another place in the world like Pompeii...imagine an entire city of people, killed within a few hours and buried under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of volcanic ash and pumice. We now can see and witness how people used to live and get a real feeling of how it would be.

Mount Vesuvius


Walking in a Ghost City


Miles and miles of roads, some one-way streets some both way. As the uncle of @annester said:

Imagine being a little 5 years old boy living in here, running down the street, watching sports and theater in the amphitheatre...coming back in time for dinner.

Just such a surreal experience.

Sophisticated 2000 years ago.





Thanks for all of your comments! Looking forward to share more photos with you guys. Our journey is almost to an end. Sorrento and Ana Capri's are next!

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Pompeii is an extraordinary place to be because it was preserved exactly as it was. There are many other sites. If you visit any other antiquity-type sites throughout the world, they're very damaged with what's gone on over the centuries since they were abandoned. But this one was just, like, sealed, so you're looking at rock surfaces and the carving of letters and names in the stones looks like it was done yesterday.

Just like yesterday, lol.

That is a metaphor

These structures have conserved centuries, will it be that modern structures are preserved for so many centuries and in good condition? Go workmanship of those gods.

Looking at the usage & climate change,
modern structures get obsolete soon

Perhaps the construction material influences

I always was fascinated by architecture when I took the Fall of the Roman Empire class . What was built then , people now couldn’t keep up with it . Old is gold after all. Just by looking at each picture , there’s so much history behind every part of it . I hope you guys are enjoying your vacation, I’ll be going with the baby to Pakistan in 3 weeks !!

Thanks for sharing beautiful photos. Mount Vesuvius has not erupted since 1944, but it is still one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. Experts believe that another Plinean eruption is due any day--an almost unfathomable catastrophe, since almost 3 million people live within 20 miles of the volcano’s crater.

Wow awesome pics. Ancient cultures always fascinated me. I learned about the island of Santorini in Greece where there's also a buried city when I was a kid and it was just so cool to me that there were ancient cities buried in the ground. Who knows, maybe there's more that we don;t know about yet?

Such a beautiful city, Nice shots, I watched the movie based on the story of how Pompeii was covered in ash and it was really sad. Looking forward to seeing more photos.

Hello my man @cryptoctopus, thanks for this post, i don't like seeing the movie pompei. It moves me to tears. After seeing the movies, i decided to read about it and i discovered that Pompeii is a vast archaeological site in southern Italy’s Campania region, it was buried under meters of ash and pumice after the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D.

When Mount Vesuvius erupted cataclysmically in the summer of A.D. 79, the nearby Roman town of Pompeii was buried under several feet of ash and rock. The ruined city remained frozen in time until it was discovered by a surveying engineer in 1748.

The preserved site features excavated ruins of streets and houses that visitors can freely explore.

Wow... nice photos. I'm a history researcher and I've heard a lot about Pompeii, even had to watch the movie.
Your photos are lovely, it really stirred up intrigue in me, wishing i was there.
I'm sure the experience was electrifying as you have made me feel.

I love your photos' angles, the contrast and how you describe your surreal experience in a vivid way.
Thanks for making my Sunday morning prettier :)

I will choose new wallpapers from here :) thank you for nice photos

Read about Pompeii so many times, especially how Mount Vesuvius erupt, it was scary tho but it's historical and so many lessons to learn from this great city.

Thanks for sharing and

Happy Steeming

all this photos are like art and not real for me :) then i see them im thinking of ancient times like sparta,rome,greece .
btw while im in this mood, here is video

Sweet shots! I saw you met up with the Millers there too?
I think my favorite shot is the bowl. It has really interesting lighting.

That's awesome! A great collection of photography of one of the buried city under Ashes! I think this city survived due to 15m - 20m ashes! And it helped the whole world to recognized the civilization behind the Roman Empire! I am looking for more amazing photography from your next destination! This is history and mystery! Great captures!


Really i liked your great shots..i learned about Pompeii which it wasn’t irrelevant, it was a huge shock to the Roman world when it was destroyed.
Pompeii was in an area that Rome’s rich and famous built their holiday homes. It was to Rome what the Hamptons are to New York.
It was like someone wiped out Bridgehampton and Montauk, and sent a cloud of ash drifting over Fire Island. Not to mention it took out several naval ships in the vicinity, one of which had the Roman equvilant of John McCain (or Joe Biden) on board. In that scenario everyone in New York would be appalled by the news. Partially because they were horrified by the loss of life, partially because they were wondering how much the value of their second home had been damaged.

I've heard many times of Pompeii but never would I have imagined what it would be to be walking in it. Once a thriving and sophisticated Roman city, Pompeii was buried under meters of ash and pumice after the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. It is over 64 acres large and use to be inhabited by about 20,000 people. It felt like we could not completely explore it in a single day.

I watched a movie that tells the story of the great empire Pompeii in 2016. The movie showed how the empire entertained themselves in with gladiators fighting to the death and towards the end everywhere began to collapse. The volcano erupted and consumed every living being.

You should watch it!!... It very interesting and captivating. At some point I got angry at the concept of the movie but I later realized it was a real story.

Oh yeah, Pompeii is a historical classic and your great photos, my friend confirm it again! A lot of suffering was experienced by this city during the famous volcanic eruption and those monuments that survived show us what a beautiful city was in ancient times and how much humanity lost without seeing Pompeii in that beauty that was before the eruption. Thank you @cryptoctopus for showing us Pompeii, the most interesting and mysterious place in Italy!

Your photos are great. I loved visiting Pompeii a real highlight of our trip to Europe last year. I was astounded at how clever the people of the day were in their designing of the city.

Paths designed so they would reflect the moonlight for those walking at night. Raised steps on the road to allow those crossing to get to the other side without getting their feet wet but the stone steps placed perfectly to allow carriages to be easily manouvered through. It was just so eye opening and so well preserved even though it was via devastating circumstances.

Wow, it looks like it's all been untuouched for years. Do people still live her? I spot some houses on the hillside in the background of the fourth picture, but for all I know, they might be ruins too.

Thank you for another great post.. love the pictures.. How long do you stay in Europe? Enjoy and make sure you never forget these historical places..

impressive photography of ancient world, one of the best civilization. this pot is one of the best photography & it can win any kind of photography contest. well balanced colors & stunning photography made at the end. i'm impressed by reading your visit to rome. you went to all world heritage places in the rome at that visit. excellent work @cryptoctopus


Your way of presentation is so nice that after reading your post I feel that I have also visited this place with you. All photos are so beautiful. So sad to know that eruption took life of so many innocent people. Still this place is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing, want to see more of such good pictures from your journey and know more about history.

I've visited the city almost 20 years ago. It is a remarkable place... amazing how they preserved it like this.

@cryptoctopus - Sir how beautiful these photography, but story behind it really sad... I hear that city buried to ashes in a single day... All people went dead... How sad it is... These ruins says the proud of that ancient civilization... Sir you captured it so well...


I always feel good and surprise after seeing such historical places! Like imagine, how people would have lived just like us thousands of years ago! Have you ever heard of Harappa? One of the ancient cities people used to live there!

These photos are unbelievably awesome, you guys have really been visiting one of the most awe inspiring places in Italy!

Hi @cryptoctopus, The City of Pompei, where civilization was at its finest. And a tragic ending to all of its residents with a swept of the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Thanks for bringing us in the walk of this ancient history through those awesome photos. Each at its best composition to relate to this once majestic city on earth. Wishing you both a continuous pleasant Babymoon journey. Stay blessed!

Really digging the composition of the Mt Vesuvius shot, between those old houses. It flows really well. I know you said you have a t6, but out of curiosity what lens(es) do you have?

Wow, cool! Very cool place and nice photos

It is insane, only to think about how hard it was making these buildings with the things they had back then. And these buildings are still present 2000 years later. I would be proud as fudge only if you could give something to the world to look at for such a long time.

It is truly amazing. To see the history of something that dates back that far. The only other area of the world that can really rival that is China which has things going back 5,000 years.

It is sad to think of the devastation caused by the natural disaster. Even with our modern technology, we are still at the whim of nature. The Tsunami a few years ago taught us that.

It must be amazing to step into a place like that and feel what it is like to live in a different time. It is easy for us to get caught up in what is in front of us today. Even watching a television show from the 1950s or 1960s seems ancient to us today. Yet that is nothing compared to those who lived 2,000 years ago.

It is always a reminder how far we have come.

Thanks for taking us on your journey.

I have really heard so much about this city too

Once a thriving and sophisticated Roman city, Pompeii was buried under meters of ash and pumice after the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. It is over 64 acres large and use to be inhabited by about 20,000 people.

It's amazing to see these pictures of this ancient place. It make me feel like visiting there soon. You are really having fun in Rome.

Nice photos. One of the most known historical places. If or more likely when I visit this place I have a feeling that I would be speechless. Nothing can compare whit power of nature.

WOOW really pomeii is incredible city and we cannot describe it in words i and i really appricaite to all constucters who make it and design pompeii i really see it first time and didnot listen about pompeii before your post because i have not any visit in europe still
to see it we can imagine about pompeii the beautifull city ,the ghost city , the incredible art city
thanx @cryptoctopus for share this new city with me and increase my knowledge and took these wondefull shots of pompeii

Its amazing how people from that part of the world, managed to create awesome structures, they clearly were ahead of their time. I suppose the mountain in the third pic was the volcano that destroyed the city?

Awesome know a bit of the history of Pompeii I had never heard, but I learned a bit of history today and incredible photos

Wow , to think that this place is still this clean and preserved is a wonder. I have heard of Pompeii and have even see the movie which depicted the city being buried in volcanic eruption but never knew it was a true story. I only thought it was a movie. Mehn it's really a sad true story hard to believe though. How come those who died didn't escape . Isn't the mountain a bit far from the city? If I were there with the tourist, i would have asked a lot of questions .

I'm sure there are some vulcanic eruptuions on YouTube (or maybe even The burning ash pretty much floats like smoke and the distances it can travel before landing is quite mesmerizing. My point is, the volcano is not too far from the city.

well good to share you wonderfull and exellent photography from your journey in these days and i am really enjoying your journey to see the best and beautifull places and your photography work is really for appriciate
pompeii is really a great and extroadinary beautifull and different city of history but sad to imagine about those who was burned in this city that time GOD bless them give them good place in heaven
we also looking forward to see your more and exellent photos @cryptoctopus

Steemit really helps me learn interesting things everyday.

I tell you. Within the space of two days. I've learnt and discovered so many things...

I'm loving steemit everyday....

excellent photography...........keep it up.......@

wawoow thats really an amazing i have heard about this city but could not get that much knowlegde its soo much important acording to histroy as well mavillious i love this post and its my first time i am in your post and you got anew follower!

wow its incridable .. loved it fantastic views and beautiful places really admire this

Thanks for sharing this @cryptoctopus - I was in Rome last year and we travelled down to Naples for a day or two with the intention of going to Pompeii, but there was only a small group of us, and we worked on a majority rules basis - unfortunately the group decided against it. I wish I had gone on my own for the day, it looks beautfiul.

I am going to be travelling around a few countries during the Summer, and I have set out a list of historical sites that I want to see. Pompeii is around number three on the list at the moment, and I reckon that I will get my top 5 done!

It is such a unique place, and you managed to capture it really well with these pictures. Thanks for sharing!

After watching your images about Pompeii, I wished to visit it one day.
I love historic places so much, as I discovered the greatness of ancient humanity.

I hope from you to share with us more similar content os historic places.
Well done cryptooctopus :D

Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures! I remember as a child walking on those high pavements and the fantasies of being thrown back in the ancient times...winter sun gives a perfect mood! I hope you'll find beauty in Sorrento and Ana Capri as well, eat well!

extraordinary.... good job

The whole day I was running around taking pictures...every angles were different and I could not settle on what was a "good shot". So I used the "spray and pray" method.
Very nice shots that you took

I read about Pompeii, where there was a flourishing civilization and coins, and it looked out over an empty volcanic mountain. Most of the population was wealthy, and the city's landmarks were marked. Its streets were paved with stones, public baths, It also had an advanced seaport, which had theaters and markets, and their effects showed an evolution in the arts through inscriptions and wall paintings.
This city is famous for its "adultery" and love of its people for lusts, and there were houses of prostitution everywhere, and spread small rooms to practice vice
The people of the village of Pompey were practicing adultery and homosexuality even with the animals openly in front of the children, and everywhere they denounced the concealment, and suddenly the volcano burst upon them and destroyed the whole village.
It is worth mentioning that this volcano exploded again in 1944, which harvested 19 thousand people, and researchers say that the volcano eruption in 74 m was the second explosion
The city remained buried for 1,700 years under a large amount of ash, and remained for many centuries until an engineer found it while digging a canal in the area. The city was discovered after it was covered by volcanoes. Everything remained the same during that period after the entire city was tormented and destroyed. Completely.
During the excavation, the bodies were discovered on the surface of the earth, and it was surprising that they appeared on the same bodies and forms, after the solution of volcanic dust replaced living cells wet to appear in the form of concrete bodies, and destroyed by God Almighty like what they are

ancient engineers at its best.

can this kind of country survive again ?, too bad we human fighting one another ... this is so bad.

@princeola, i love your question, the answer is right in the sentence.

How can the country survive if we are not in unity?


First of all the shots are great. Congrats.
It is really amazing to be able to be there. It is like wlaking through history. In every corner,in every building. Knowing the story you can imagine with the beat possible way how would it be to live there during this volcanic disaster. Really great post my brother.

Terrible tragedy.
August 24, 79, one of the most catastrophic eruptions of the volcano Vesuvius. The Roman cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia, located at the foot of the volcano, were destroyed. Vesuvius gave birth to a giant, hot cloud of stones, ash and smoke up to 33 km high, releasing thermal energy many times greater than the one that was released during the atomic bomb explosion over Hiroshima.
According to the available estimates, due to abundant ash deposition and hydrothermal pyroclastic flows that reached temperatures of up to 700 ° C, about 16,000 people died in Pompeii and Herculaneum

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