
@echowhaleteam team swimming by with your upvotes @echowhale @babyechowhale @echosupport @journeyoflife @carterx7: will be doing these shortly @angrydolphin: will be doing the same

Upvoted and reviewed.

Hi @journeyoflife thank you for the support!


Thank you for your trust :)

i love the composition, the way you placed your subject in an empty room creates a shoots with great atmosphere making the model looks small yet so important

how you put seven tags? i have limit only five, please help :D

Hi Fraktale, I posted it through check it out.

Thanks :D

geile location :)

I really like the sun rays hitting the model, the placement in the empty room..The only thing that bothers me personally is the "dutch angle".

Thanks :) You just taught me a new term as well! Surprisingly never heard of the tilted angle referred to as the 'dutch angle' until today.

i, for some reason - i can't quite put my finger around why - love the dutch angle in this photo. it gives it some movement here, otherwise it'd be too static i think, but with this minor tilt, it kindq pulls me in! whoa, yeah