Looking for Europes biggest tree?

in #photofeed5 years ago

Visiting the 1000-year-old trees in Ivenack


Right, when we entered the park we saw an insured Fallow deer (Dama dama) in front of a huge 700-year-old oak. He was curious and not shy at all. So we could take a few pictures of him right in front of the tree. Have a closer look at try to imagine the size of this oak.
But we did come to see the biggest tree in Europe. The biggest tree is located more inwards in the park.

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When a person is next to the base of this Oak you get a better understanding of the immense size. It takes approx. 12 people holding hands to fully hug that tree.

In the year 1710, the area became a park that measures ca. 75 hectares today. Since then the trees were protected and have been kept safe through the first and second world wars.


This tree is approximately 35.5 meters tall and has a volume of 180m³ and so This great oak of Ivenack is the most massive oak in Germany, and very likely also all of Europe.
More info at Monumental Trees

Where do you find these trees? In the Middle of the most northern states of Germany, Mecklenburg. Near the City of Stavenhagen is Ivenack with the little park.

Google Maps

Hope you find this an interesting destination. Go visit this impressive location.


Those are wonderful photos, and amazing trees! Fabulous! Thank you for sharing this information and the shots with us! 😃

What happened to the other antler? A fight or just a malformed one? He don't look to happy to me with only the one antler. That is a pretty huge tree, I got to see some really big oaks in California, but they would be babies next to that one I think.