I think its important to shoot handheld regularly. It makes you appreciate your gear when you have it. I historically have done a lot of non photography related work travel and have had to shoot on the side what I can when I can which often involves minimal gear. I also do a lot of hiking and the more you do the more you start looking at your gear differently. As an engineer however it’s hard not to love having more fancy gadgets .
I like this shot. Its fun and happy. Feels like a memory from a day at the beach. I think we are also getting close to peak saturation of long exposure images on social media where every photo has a 10 stop blurred sky and a crazy pink sunset. So I think the trends will swing back a little.
As an ambassador for a filter company I kind of have to be able to take long exposures, but I am looking forward to spending more time off the tripod
Like anything in life it’s a question of balance .