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RE: The Best Post You'll Read on Steemit Today...

in #photofeed7 years ago (edited)

It is the only post I have read today ! So you win by default. Not quite in the same league as @derekkind ISS eclipse post; but who's judging.

They just need to change the calculation basis (algorithm is a dirty word in social media) on the trending page on seteemit. Perhaps even make it customisable in settings (ie change between trending for likes rather than $ or some other hivemind induced interaction variables). Then people can adjust it. The bid bots are unfortunate; and I have swung back and forth between frustration with them and adoption. The fact is they are here to stay; it's exactly how the system was designed to work (a decentralized laissez-faire market, you can't tell someone they cant sell or buy a vote). There will be other platforms arrive (ONO, Appics) which have a more hybrid curation approach then steemit. But you just have to look at the hysteria around IG changing to algorithmic feeds and individualized trending pages to see that people actually like simple predictable chronological feeds and trending pages. The quality issue is just a matter of platform maturity and mass user adoption. Steemit is a system like any other social network and as you say in some of your other comments the people who take the time to learn the system and how it functions will succeed here, much like in real life.

Nice photo by the way!


Default! The two greatest words in the English language!
De Fault! De Fault! De Fault!

I think Facebook got it right with the "top stories" and "most recent". But people still complain about it when it has the best of the algorithm and the chronological order. It even has more options there, and you can be friends with someone but unfollow their shitty attention seeking posts.
Facebook is pretty good if you think about it

Yes. It's just the reach killing of the commercial pages which makes it hard.

Oh sure if you're a business. But for the vast majority of users it's great. Facebook could make it so you had to pay $1 for every person you wanted to see your ad and I wouldn't complain though. That is their business and I can either use it or not. If the ads don't work for people, they will stop paying, and Facebook would have to change their approach.

Yes I don't deny its their prerogative.