Men like to drink coffee in the morning! Although this is harmful to health, according to doctors. But you probably are a happy man!
Men like to drink coffee in the morning! Although this is harmful to health, according to doctors. But you probably are a happy man!
I'm happy but not because I drink coffee. I'm happy because I enjoy life. I also am happy to drink coffee. Check this out.
Image result for health benefits of coffee
Top 11 Coffee Health Benefits
Cut the Pain. ... Increase your fiber intake. ... Protection against cirrhosis of the liver. ... Lowered risk of Type 2 Diabetes. ... Lowered risk of Alzheimer's disease. ... Reduces suicide risk and Depression. ... Protection against Parkinson's. ... Coffee drinkers have less risk of heart disease.
I don't think coffee is bad for your health. It just makes me have to go to the toilet lol