1/25 is not long exposure no offense, I should know about photography.
As for your flagging my hustle not sure what your damage is...
I pay to promote content I make some money and I lose a little, how it goes here on Steem, where do you think you are? I share content with peers here on steem, I re-blog its what I like.
If you want to see my photo credentials take a look buddy.|
Copy and pasting articles and then providing a link is still plagiarism. I'd like to hear your reasoning for downvoting my posts other than being a spiteful person, because that's not how it goes on Steemit.
A long exposure is dependant on subject matter. This shutter speed provides enough motion in the bushes to show movement from the wind. But photography is subjective so if it's not long enough for you that's fine. Not worth a downvote though.
If I claimed the writing was my own that would be one thing, Steem is a blog last time I checked lol SO I blog, people do that in 2019
stop it that is not long exposure
you think everything on steem is original content? Stop making me laugh
you got flagged by a real photographer cause you mislabeled your tags
are you angry a real photographer with credentials criticized you ?
cause ur photo is noob 101 non long exposure wtf
ok, thanks
this is long exposure
lesson one is free
this is long exposure too