Stand perfectly still...

in #photofeed7 years ago

It's been almost a week since my last confes...I mean post. I've been very busy though! Which is a reason and not an excuse. I always wonder that when I haven't done something whether I have a valid "excuse" or whether I could have done it, but end up giving reasons for why I didn't. I'm in Sydney at the moment and have been since Friday (it is now Tuesday). There was a photography conference on called Aperture Australia with some amazing speakers. They described their experiences and journeys in photography and it was incredible to hear how much they've been through and worked so hard. Especially one photographer by the name of Alexia Sinclair. Check out her stuff...and think for each of those photos, there could be 2 months of work of her planning and making almost everything you see in the image. About 90% not photoshopped.

But anyway I digress. I've met some great photographers (Ken Duncan, Eugene Tan, Murray Fredericks, Gary Heery, Megan Lewis, Alexia Sinclair, Jack Piccone, Ray Martin) and chatted at length with them and they have made me feel like I've kinda just been standing still while the world is whizzing by me. All the times I don't have enough time, I look back on and realise I just didn't use my time correctly...

I need to work harder.

my wife was not in any danger during the making of this. She stood on the road with no traffic and a separate shot was taken for the car trails.

Camera Settings

Canon 5D MKIII
0.4sec & 30sec

Intro Post
Instagram @kieranstoneau
Facebook Kieran Stone


It's shots like these and people like you that make me want to relearn proper photography.

Anything is possible with digital photography. You just need to have an idea :)

And time to execute it. Plus some knowhow. I just made a pinhole camera, I will start with that as any fuck ups will look cool haha

Hahah. Great idea. You can have a lot of fun with them.

Love a good long exposure shot. Nice touch blending the 2 photos together.

Thank you :) it's usually a popular composition, I just wanted to put a person in it.

Thankyou for this reminder early in the morning...time has a lot of value and I often let it pass by. I think about how much I could have done if I’d used it to it’s potential. Food for thought as I start my day!

It's all well and good for me to say it too but it's another for me to do it too!

Ah dont beat yourself up. You're doing everything you're supposed to be doing.
And this sooo good! Amazing shot.

Nice. I had a friend at that conference, Dave Hossack. It sounded awesome.
And when's Tassiegrammer jumping on Steemit?!

I think if I didn't beat myself up about spending my time better then I'd end up getting a PlayStation and spending 13 hours a day on it 😅

Yay, I'm glad your back. I missed seeing your photos.

Awww thank you! Might be a couple more gaps until I get home 😉

Good thing to know your wife was not in danger ha ha ha. Good having you back.

"can you just go stand in the middle of the road while cars and buses drive by? THAAANKS!"

Need to work smarter not harder? XD

Or maybe you really do just need to stop doing some things because as much as people refuse to admit it and desperately want to believe otherwise, you do actually need to rest sometimes XP

Glad you had fun at the photography congerence thing, didn't even know they had stuff like that but now that I do it doesn't really surprise me.


My "smart" way of working is as little as possible. But I really should be working harder. That would be smarter

What an awesome blend of shots! Resteemed!

much appreciated!

Stunner of a shot. Love the light trails.

Thanks, mate!

Thank you for assuring that "no wife was harmed during this photo shooting".

I felt it was an important thing to mention ;)

The quest to work harder is an interesting dynamic. It's always a balance between taking the time for the rest of life and driving your passions. It's in a different spot for everyone. That balance is only going to shift further once your bub comes along. Nice shot. Such a famous stretch of road.

I think it is more of a wanting to work harder because I have plenty of flexible hours to work with and they aren't getting utilised as well as they should. But yes, I imagine all that will go into baby mode soon.

I was worried about the dangers in this shot until I read the last part of the post ;)

Maybe I should have left that part out and seen how many negative comments I got ;)