Extraordinary to see. You may have quite recently enlivened me to begin posting my photographs once more.
I'd essentially abandoned posting single photographs on here cos they simply lose all sense of direction in an ocean of awful quality stuff.
A quality photograph ought to be dealt with the same as a 500 word article or a video. Some of them take similarly as long to set up for and postprocess.
The issue is that they are underestimated and gifted picture takers think that its hard to both get their own particular stuff saw and find other well done to upvote.
Good fortunes with this activity and i'll see what I can post on here later on.
Carry on dear.i will sit tight for your next post
What i know is that, it is better to believe in yourself for something to be perfect. what i mean is that photographs always look good when the photographer believe in himself and what he takes first, than even others will feel him.