Wow this is a really good post. I actually read the whole thing and usually when a post is super long I lose interest very quickly. Your photos are AMAZING by the way, you're super talented and I wonder if in your spare time you still do some photography because otherwise you're wasting your talent !!
Your journey was a really interesting one though and you actually touched on some really good observations about society these days and what we value and how that's impacted your ability to maintain success in photography.
Nicely written and thank you for sharing your story :)
Thank you my friend! This is literally the best compliment I could have ever received on this platform.
I know, I really do like photography, but to get photos like this, you've got to have so much equipment and so much time... but I would like to get a good camera for our trip to the Grand Canyon and who knows, that might get my photography-brain to come back. I am thinking that maybe I can get a good lens so I can take photos at ninja comps while I'm not competing... so I do think I might find myself back in before I realise.
This is such a great comment! I do think there is a lot of potential for photography with social media... people really love great photos, but yeah, it's really hard for professional photographers... especially with smart phone cameras getting so good... and with hilariously fun filters too.
Thank you so much!!
You're very welcome my friend :) and really glad you liked my comment - it was easy to write when you made such a quality post so really good work there.
You're right there with smartphones...everyone seems to be able to take 'professional' photos and people are finding it harder and harder to distinguish between true professionals and someone that just chose a good filter!
Keep it up and I'll be watching more of your posts with interest :)
Uh oh.... you're, ah, not expecting me to be interesting are you?
I can be entertaining, and I can be lovely... but I can't be interesting as well, that's too much.... but for you, I'll try real hard.
YEP I am. You set the bar so high with this post I am only expecting this sort of quality from now on!
Haha jokes don’t worry, you won’t have to try hard if you speak as honestly as you’ve done in this post 😀