@pixelfan Thanks a lot for answer, this CreativeCoin is another type of crytpo currency? So we have Steem, Photo and CCC? Right? And posting on one platfrom will share the same content in other platforms as well making the income not only in Steem but also in photo and ccc? Tell me if I understand this wrong :). Thanks!
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You're welcome!
And you understand it right. They are all other crypto's and indeed, when posting on 1 platform, the post is shared on others... but only if you use a specific tag.
For PHOTO you have to use the tag #photography (you already do that 👍) For CCC you have to use #creativecoin
But remember you have to stake something in order to see appear your posts in those platforms and start to earn something. It doesn't have to be a lot, but of course, the more you stake, the more you earn on curating...I also use #palnet and #neoxian in my posts...
All those crypto's are based on steem but as lesser people are aware of it, the rewards are higher than the "core steem". And, it double, triple or... the value of 1 vote 😉
Just play a bit with what you already have, wait 7 days and see what gains you got...
The interfaces for the different coins are:
https://www.photostreem.com/ PHOTO coin https://www.neoxian.city/ NEOXAG coin https://www.palnet.io/ PALcoin https://www.creativecoin.xyz/ Creativecoin
And just continue to post your fantastic work! I'm jealous of your skills...
Ok, now I know what I wanted, it is based on hashtags then... it is a pity we can use only 5 of them, because I always liked to use travelfeed and photofeed as well for my posts to be a part of those blogs as well.
I will experiment with them all and thanks once more for the informations! And of course for the compliments about my works. I also like a lot Your style in photography, hdr look and washed up colours are very moody, all the interiors and subjects are very interesting so keep shooting and posting!
I use https://busy.org/ to make my posts... up to 9 (or 12? I forgot) hashtags 😉😂
And thanks for the compliment... but I'm realistic, I have a looooooooooong way to go. But I love it, what else can one ask 😂
PS: Don't upvote this comment(s)... I really appreciate but... the value stays under 0.02$... and as such is considered as "dust votes"... they are not paid out, so of no value for me or you...
OK, I won't ;) and thanks once more, I will test Busy.org in posting. Lot of new stuff to explore and understand ;) have a good day!