Camera | Nikon D3100 |
Lens | Helios 44-M4, f/2 |
Shutter, aperture | 1/80 s, f/16 |
ISO | 1600 |
Location | Czechów District, Lublin |
- Thirty black and white images depicting an aspect of your life.
- Present one photo every day for thirty days.
- No people.
- No explanation.
- Use the - #thirtydayblacknwhite - tag as one of the five tags.
Personal rules (might be broken):
- photo posted on given day is the photo taken on that day
- no smartphone photos
- I'll try to use prime lens for every photo
You don't even give people
a courtesy reach aroundan upvote when you comment farm on their a very useful value add to this network. please vote for my comments
Oh, a rare one!
@netuoso comment farming, sadly that's not rare.
I meant the flag ;) I knew there was something fishy going on.
<3 <3 <3 Was my attempt at humour :)