To reach a port we must sail, sometimes with the wind, and sometimes against it. But we must not forget our anchor.
Photo statistics
Camera | Lense | Focus | Aperture | ISO | Location |
Sony a6000 | selp 18-105 | 18mm | F18 | 100 | Stavoren- NL |
To reach a port we must sail, sometimes with the wind, and sometimes against it. But we must not forget our anchor.
Camera | Lense | Focus | Aperture | ISO | Location |
Sony a6000 | selp 18-105 | 18mm | F18 | 100 | Stavoren- NL |
Great shot, perfectly composed and awesome light ..upvoted and following you ;)
thanks a lot lot! greez!
Wunderschönes Bild :) Ich Fotografiere auch mit ner Sony Alpha 6000... eine tolle Kamera. resteemed ;)
danke, das ist sehr lieb von dir :) und ja, ich mag meine sony auch immer noch, das einzige was mich n bissel nervt ist der ständige dreck auf dem sensor...(hab den sensor wirklich schon oft gereiningt)
LG aus Dresden @migratorybird
Very peaceful, like it!
it really was :) thanks!!
Beautiful capture of the light on all surfaces.